Combat Master Report


Combat Master Report

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Report: 26 Feb 2005 </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>One Step Closer...</td> </tr> <tr> <td> In my attempt to complete the Circle of Seven, the ACC is one step closer as we welcome KP Cipher K'oranian Isradia, who hails from CSP, to the ACC staff. She came recommended by a poignant member of the Brotherhood and seems to be getting along quite well so far. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Championship Ladder</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Signups are open... with 44 signed up at this point...</td> </tr> <tr> <td>- Each round of the ladder will be a continuation of the one before it. So, some of you will finally get to see what actually happens to your opponent when you kill them, as well as, what happens to the arena. From a fiction standpoint, I think you'll really like it... well, I hope you do :)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>- The argument of 'sabres and hand to hand only' has surfaced... which I was expecting, so let me clarify. Your sabre (or the one loaned to you) will be the only 'weapon' you can bring with you into battle. If you wear armor, have cybernetics or some kind of implant that can't be removed, obviously we're not going to hack that body-part off. However, you should do your best to stay away from using it in an offensive manner, that is: in ANY way that brings harm to your opponent as that instantly turns it from being passive to active. Also, it should go without saying, these items need to be commensurate with the new structure of the Compendium (which was announced and released with enough time and warning for CS's to be changed). If you do not have things like armor, implants or whatever addressed with points allocated, then they are just for appearance and serve no purpose other than that. If you attempt to use them defensively or offensively, and they are not 'skilled', you will be disqualified... no exceptions.

A final tip on that matter goes out to the 'wily' combatants and those who actually read reports... Since the individuals, who are in the above mentioned categories, are going to play by the rules that have been set... you'd do well to stay away from writing their 'body stuff' in any other context than has been set here or that the owner writes in the battle. If you think you got the mo-jo and write that passive item into an active item (weapon)... the owners WILL be granted the right to use them as a weapon and not be disqualified. Think of it as a switch... it'll be passive (off) unless, being unwise, you flip it on. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Judgments</td> </tr> <tr> <td>A battle judgment was overturned this week, which, in itself, is not the reason I'm mentioning it. I am addressing it because I was impressed by the way it was handled... namely on the part of the combatant and the Judge. The battle was rated, with a slight oversight that the combatant obviously noted. Then, the combatant compiled his thoughts and sent a pointed mail to the judge. Now, as we all know, in this kind of situation, its hard to keep from sounding as if you're complaining - especially if you have a genuine concern, but this guy pulled it off, despite that. On the Judge's part... instead of telling the combatant to bugger off, he sought the counsel of a senior member of the DB and myself... THAT was the right move! Needless to say, I caught what the combatant had addressed and felt that he was correct and overturned the ruling. The judge was not reprimanded because it was a situation that was new to him, in fact, I praise him for handling it the way he did.</td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> _Lessons learned/Refreshed: _</td> </tr> <tr> <td> - Combatants: If you have a concern about a ruling, you need to do it right. Don't do it with the mind that the judge was 'out to get you' or that it was personal in any way. Instead, know that we are going to see it as complaining, initially, and address your concerns plainly and specifically. If you are right, I have no problem saying so and the judge shouldn't either if the points are made obvious. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> - Judges/Event Coordinators: Take heed to comments you receive. If they are made professionally and without aggression look into them and notify me ASAP to avoid unnecessary escalation of the matter. We will handle all matters at the lowest level possible.</td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Finally</td> </tr> <tr> <td>I'm just excited to get the Ladder going... it's killing me to wait :)

Have a great weekend! </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>

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