Herald Report


Herald Report

  • Site Reconstruction

Nothing new to report.

  • Grant Of Arms Requests These are still on hold - as in don't request them.

  • Custom Lightsabers

Trying to get some requests finished. Backlogged.

I Hate The OC

Zekk tells me that the [EIII trailer](http://www.starwars.com/episode-

iii/release/theater/news20050228.html) will air on

March 10th during the OC on Fox. If it's going to be like the EII trailer it'll be in

the last commercial break, about the last 5 minutes of the show.

I have TiVo - so I'll tell it to grab The OC then I'll fast-forward/skip to the

trailer and watch it over and over again. Ah, TiVo.

Attack Of The Crap

The Official Star Wars Site informs us that we are all about to be

suffocated by the oversaturation fo EIII promotional garbage. April 2nd is when all

the marketing is going to hit. Pepsi, Burger King, Frito Lay, Cingular, Masterfoods

(M&M's, Skittles) and a few others are all jumpin gon the media frenzy.

Among the more amusing things I read on the site was the introduction of a "Darth Dew

Slurpee, in collectible cups at 7-Eleven stores nationwide".

RC r0x0rz

I've played some Single Player and I think it's great. I like the way the story

unfolds from the second you start the game. It's very ... addictive.

I've also played some Multiplayer and I think it has potential. It's a little early

yet and - like most new MP games - chock full of total smacktards. Jac and I joined a

CTF server and it seemed as though one team was treating it like Deathmatch while the

other team was actually using a great strategy. They ruled the maps with a few 5-0

wins in a row.

I think if people in the DB work together and actually listen to each other we could

have a great MP team for RC. Hell - without even really being able to communicate

(other than in-game text) Jac and I managed a nice 2-man team.

Not a whole lot to say here. The guys in my BF42/BFV/UT/NWN squad/group are all away

for the weekend, so it's a lot of catching up to do on the homefront... Which means a

whole lotta laundry. And a whole lotta RC/KOTOR2. Maybe some JA.

I might even show up in a gaming night!

Just wanted to let you know we appreciate all your hard work Kaine and I for one can understand all the work your doing.

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