Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Eh. I hate life.

[Krath RoS]

-Krath RoS awards were released, and here is what Taldryan won:

3 Imperial MPDSLs

5 Tie Crawlers

The MPDSLs are ground-based defense lasers that are very powerful, and the TIE Crawlers are a form of tank. To see a more detailed description of them, go here: http://www.krath.org/RoS/RoSAwards.html

-Seals and Novae have been awarded and can be found on dossiers.

[DB News]

-Republic Commando has been released and a tournament for it will be next weekend.

-Good luck to all Ektrosis members participating in the ACC Championship ladder.

-KHP Alanna has announced that she plans to resign within the next month. We’re all very sorry to see her go, but at least she intends to re-join Taldryan!

[Ektrosis/Taldryan News]

-Congratulations to Kir on his promotion to DA!

-I managed to break my arm this week. Typing one-handed sucks. Presence will be greatly diminished so I’ll be on a semi-LoA indefinitely. I’m still here though.

-Cookoff competition ended, congrats to Kali`Thule for her win!


Please welcome Jeso Kataran and lane!

[Shadow Academy]

Vodo Biask has completed the Conflict Mediation course!

Kali`Thule has completed the Dark Jedi Meditation course!


Jeso Kataran to Novice

Trron Loran to Protector

Vodo Biask to Guardian

Lane to Novice


Chaosrain – CF (x23)

NexusMage – CF (x25)

Vodo Biask – Cr-A, LS

Dark Sabre – CF (x51), DC, StA, Cr-Q

Kali`Thule – Cr-A

Tiberius – Cr-S (x2)

Congrats to all Novae and Seal earners as well!


-The MTs. (http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=765 and http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=764)

-The Multiplayer Gaming nights continue. Details on the Taldryan site (http://www.taldryan.org/competitions.php)

-The Greatest Warrior of All Times... (http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=770)

-Ektrosis Weekly Topics Series (http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=773) I’m extending the weekly to bi-weekly due to the low participation; namely, none. There are lots of shinies up for grabs so send in those entries! These take fairly little effort.

Open Topic: design a completely new starfighter or capital ship,

complete with specifications and descriptions. Go ahead and use your


Structured Topic: Write a poem of at least 10 lines about how much

better the Krath are than the other Orders. This should be funny!


Do stuff already! :P

-QUA Dark Sabre

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