Herald Report


Herald Report

  • Site Reconstruction

    New stuff really is coming. I just planned out what characters from the KM universe need to be there... not

that anyone cares.

  • Grant Of Arms Requests


They will be ignored.

  • Custom Lightsabers
    Other than the GM's, None Submitted.

Dark Horse Rising

The EIII comics are hitting the shelves, and I'm being told it's awesome. You can read a Spoiler Free review of the

comic here. Obviously... Avoid

the comics at all costs if you are trying to stay away from spoilers.

Begun The Merchandise War Has

I was at Wal-Mart today (meh... don't ask) and saw a great many toys for EIII on the shelves. Among the more

interesting items was Yoda's lightsaber - which is the wrong size... it's the same size as all the other lightsaber

toys. Also there was an Anakin-to-Vader lightsaber that seemed, from the picture on the box - to have a two-color

blade fading from red to blue. I imagine it's a clear blade with 2 colors of lights, because the way it looks in

the pic is just stupid.

Game On!

As I said before I took a little trip to Wal-Mart today and found that Lego Star Wars was out, but there's a

twist. The Wal-Mart exclusive packaging for the PC game comes with a Lego Darth Vader. The game is about $30, and

takes ytou through a Lego version of Episodes I, II and III.

Star Wars Galaxies is also on sale at Wal-Mart for the rather ironic price of $19.77. The expansion pack,

Jump To Lightspeed is also $19.77. Everywhere else I've looked has these for $30 and $20, respectively.

Celebration III Reminder

13 more days (no really... I messed up last time) til [Celebration


Here's a rundown of some of the cooler things... - George Lucas will make an extraordinary guest appearance at Celebration

III. His appearance at the Indiana Convention Center during the huge Star Wars fan festival will mark the first

time that Lucas has attended a fan convention since the gathering that marked the 10-year anniversary of A New Hope

in 1987.

  • Billy Dee Williams is set to appear at Star Wars Celebration III. Williams will charm audiences not only

from the stage, but also in the Autograph Hall, where he will be greeting fans and signing autographs.

  • [LucasFilm Archive

Exhibit](http://www.starwars.com/community/news/2005/04/news20050407.html) to appear at Celebration III.

Nothing big going on this weekend for me, so I'll probably be at the meeting. Ivy's adjusting just fine.

I just thought I should mention that the comics come out as followed

Issue #1 Already Out

Issue #2 comes out the April 16th

Issue #3 Comes out the April 20th

And Finally #4 is out the April 27th

I already got issue 1, and for the first issue its already amazing, and lots of Foreshadowing ;) And the art and details are superb!

GO BUY IT! Even if you don't want to spoil the movie, you can always read it afte!r :D

Secondly before everyone starts asking questions about the Anakin Saber going blue to red deal. There is no such thing, As stated in Star Wars Insider 81 they clearly state "Lightsabers are not mood rings." they don't change color with the holder's mood."

Just want to make this clear in case there are any questions, or doubts, Alls it really is, is one of thoes cheap knock off deals. At my local Wal Mart, I saw all the cheap sabers that more or less have the same hilt, but different blade.

Like "An Anakin hilt with a purple blade" It makes me asahmed of Hasbro, or whoever made them that they would be so dumb.

Anyways didn't mean to start making this a full out "topic."

Let Darkness Reign

I know the saber toys you're talkng about, but that's not what I saw. This one is in a box, you put batteries into it and it lights up and makes noise. From what I could see inside the box the blade is a transparent blue, but it states all over it the blade changes from blue to red.

One side of the box has Anakin, the other has Vader. Amazon states it doesn't come out til the 15th, but I can go over to the `Mart and buy it right now.

From Amazon:
"At the touch of a button, Anakin's blue blade changes to a sinister, Darth Vader red!"

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