Shadow Academy Report, May 24, 2003


Shadow Academy Report, May 24, 2003

Due to HM Pyralis' absence for this week, I am reporting for the Shadow Academy.

Compared to the last two rather slow weeks, this week has seen a substantial increase in taking exams again. We are now almost back to pre-split levels in spite of a substantially smaller membership.

We have to say goodbye to Sith Tactics Eclectic Pedagog Cray Mikalen who has chosen his place to be in the EHDB - unfortunately without telling us so. Right now, please do not apply for this position as we already have a candidate in mind.

The effects of Dark Fury are now fully felt, with the highlight of this week being that we significantly reduced the time for new recruits to get processed, in fact, our best so far was NOV Sinjin who went from hitting the submit button on his join form to full member of Clan Exar Kun in only 16 hours and 39 minutes!

Several minor issues in coding and mail wordings were resolved this week as well, thanks to Cyberguy for prompt responses in this area!

We have also been contacted by a few members regarding future course, however so far I have not seen any drafts that could be called "close to completion". The furthest progress I've seen so far is a rough outline that needed more work. Also, the DSC studies course creation is on hold for obvious reasons until we can be sure that all major changes in the DSC have been integrated.

Members wishing to teach courses, especially curricula in the "general" area that teach important skills for members of an online club (web design, IRC user, IRC channel operator, graphics) should please contact HM Pyralis and myself with a quick outline of which skills they want to teach. Please make sure your courses are not copy/paste exams but are testing skills actually used in practice (e.g. for the HTML course, require an actual web page to be made).

Thanks all - and go do a course!

Krath Pontifex Kaiann
Praetor to the Headmaster

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