Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Wow guys there was a huge influx of members and I was freaking out having to make a new Battle Team (first time) but I survived. Now here is where I kiss the feet of someone who saved my life this week. His name is M¡¦Kel Kahn. He has graciously agreed to step in as BTL for SoD. For those of you who don¡¦t know him he¡¦s a great guy to come in from LoA and save my butt for the time being. Now his buns are getting cooked instead of mine. They¡¦ll be a nice crispy brown by the time I let him go.

Alright then uh what else can I say about what¡¦s going on in the house other than if I challenge you you¡¦d better accept so I can get this over with.


Korf to Novice


Langis Gyn Histop to Aleema

Kyru666 to Aleema from Exar Kun

Aleemians transfered to Slaves of Darkness:

Darn Matar

Jeax Zirv

Knuph Roede


Minerva Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez

M'Kel Kahn



Rube Yiso Bo'Amar


Vervain Markenin



Crescent with Sapphire star- Shadoweye333


Conflict Mediation- Darn Matar


A Call to Arms (Aleema)


Quaestor's Trivia


April MTs



High Priestess Office Haiku Competition


Suprise Party for Lannie


The Greatest Warriors of All Times (this months warrior is Cyberguy)


Ok that¡¦s everything guys so enjoy and have a good rest of the week. So yeah have fun if that¡¦s your bag of chips ƒº

All the reports were in from the other positions.

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