Proconsul Report


Proconsul Report

Greetings Kunians,

Really has been a busy week with Esca stepping down, Chi appointing myself as PCON, continued Shadow Academy activity and several awards granted to members! So let us take a look at what happened this last week! This report will not be the normal type, as i'm throwing in my last AED report too! BE WARNED! mwahahahaha!

Shadow Academy

In Byss:

Zomar passed IRC Basics, Aerick passed Leadership Applications and Sir Fattness passed SIX courses! So Byss Scholar of the Week is Fattness, he completed these courses: IRC Basics, MSN, ICQ, Krath Grammar, HTML 1 and Dark Meditation! Congrats Fattness!

In Ziost:

Esca passed Leadership Applications, Andras completed Conflict Mediation, Nirat passed the Test of Wisdom, Virulence completed two courses: Obelisk Core, Conflict Mediation. Dinero also completed a duo of courses: IRC Basics and MSN. The Ziost Scholar of the Week however completed 4 courses: Sith CORE, Sith Tactics, ESET and Dark Meditation. Give it up for Neziti! Congrats Neziti!


APP Pholak (Ziost)

DJK Desdemonea (Byss)

SO Cyris (Byss)

Congrats on your decision to join Clan Exar Kun! Everyone make sure you give a warm welcome to each of these folks!


Apprentice Andras was promoted to Novice

Apprentice Nirat was promoted to Novice

Novice Zomar was promoted to Acolyte

Novice Tidus was promoted to Acolyte

Acolyte Fattness was elevated to Protector

Acolyte Virulence was elevated to Protector

Two individuals stood above a great many other members of our Clan this week with the completion of their first Trials. It is an honor and my privilege to announce that Protectors Ossus & Korbin have both been elevated to Guardian! Congrats as you progress down you dark paths!

Awards (Shineys!)

Through two rounds of 'Byss Trivia LIVE!' we have two winners! YAY! Both will receive 'Legions of the Scholar' Congrats to Jonaleth in round 1 and Lucien in round 2... keep it up guys! Reminder to all: Byss Trivia Live takes place in #Byss usually at 2p.m. EST!

Others Competitions!

Byss Space Pirates- 1st place Lucien (Amethyst Star) 2nd place Braecen (Sapphire Star)

Byss ACC Tourney- 1st place Braecen (Amethyst Star) 2nd place- TIE! - Lucien & Cipher (Sapphire Star)

PCON Retires

For those of you have had the privilege to work and interact with Esca know that he is a wonderful person. It is a shame that he had to step down, however I commend his decision to have a REAL LIFE :op Thank you for helping the Clan through the most critical stages Esca!

On the Horizon

Keep your eyes open for there shall be several new things coming out, including Clan MT's, the return of Kunar Blades, possibly Clan Powers?, return of the Invoked Lord and whatever random things I can come up with :op

The FIN!

Gah! That report was uber long... I promise to never subject you all to that much information ever again! So everyone this has been fun.. but i'm out! PEACE!

In Darkness,

DJK Braecen Isradia (Krath)/PCON-EP/Clan Exar Kun

Marquis of Gar Nadrak

Champion of the Shadow Academy

Philosopher of the Way

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