Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

It’s time for the weekly report of House Acclivis Draco brought to you by your loving Quaestor. Hope to make tonight’s a quick one since I’m somewhat short of time but I will try and get everything that needs to be said. First the activity report:


1.Joined HAD

2.Passed Conflict Mediation SA course


1.Promoted to Jedi Hunter

2.Some Message board activity

Yeah, that’s all the official stuff I have. We did have some great activity on the email last week which is always good and I’m sure people have done things I didn’t record so if you did keep up the good work. The DG caption comp also saw a few members; most of them not in the DG, but it’s still nice to see activity. However, I want to see some more big stuff. The IGs are coming shortly and our clan has a strong reputation to keep. Let’s enjoy this time of rest but let’s get ready to move again in a few weeks.

Second, if any member of HAD or HDS needs help getting promoted whether it be you need to know the requirements or you simply want to fight an ACC battle just remember I am always available. I have plenty of project ideas that would be great for promotions so if you need anything just ask.

Third, after much discussion and some pretty heated debate I have decided now may not be the best time for our House to go multi-order. Even though the orders have little relevance in the modern organization of the Brotherhood many of us still have strong attachments to their traditional and fictional roles and at this time are not willing to see things change. Things may force this to change in the future as the DB continues to evolve and expand but for now we can proudly rest and say we are one of two remaining single order Houses in the DB. Thanks to everyone who voiced out in the debate over the last week. Even though I stepped back a little and let the discussion run itself I did read everyone’s comments that pertained to the debate and I noted what was said so you can truly say this decision was made by the entire house. And that’s something we can all be proud of.

Finally, I assume by this time everyone has read either the news page or the email and now knows that our Consul has decided to resign. I can’t blame him it’s got to be a hard job with pressure coming in from the entire organization but in my opinion Vail has done a great job. When he first came to HAD as a Quaestor the house was in trouble. We had even fewer members than we do now and even fewer were active. Somehow Vail managed in his short tenure to turn our House around and then proceeded to do the same to the clan. Where we were once on the brink of extinction he brought us back enabling us even to win the Independence Games for 2004. These were great accomplishments and I don’t think Vail can ever know how thankful the entire membership is for his leadership. I wish him the best of luck in whatever he does next and hope that with the help of the whole clan the next Consul may accomplish even greater things.


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