Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Hey everyone, sorry once again for the lack of a report last week but finals are hitting me hard lately and even though I finish officially tomorrow my time has been short this last week and probably will be so until Friday. However, I did want to get something out to recognize everyone for what they did during the last few weeks and keep people abreast on some info so here is the HAD Quaestor report for the second week of May.

The activity report:


1won Crescent with Emerald Star (E) for 1st Place in the DG Caption Competition


1earned Crescent with Topaz Star (T) for 2nd Place in Dragon Guard Caption Competition


1won a Crescent with Quartz Star (Q) for 3rd place in Dragon Guard Caption Competition

2earned Crescent with Sapphire Star (S) for 2nd place in the Drunk Jedi competition


1Completed DG Caption Comp

2Started and Completed HAD May Day top ten list comp

3earned Crescent with Sapphire Star (S) for 2nd Place in Vail’s legacy Comp

4earned Crescent with Amethyst Star (A) for Winner of the Drunk Jedi competition


1Transferred to HAD

2Promoted to Novice


1Appointed to Rollmaster of HAD

2earned Crescent with Amethyst Star (A) for 1st place in "Vail's Legacy" competition

3Earned Dark Cross for active participation

4Crescent with Sapphire Star (S) for Surprise Party for Lannie competition


1Passed MSN General Studies SA course

2Promoted to Novice

Issard Jokaat:

1Transferred to HAD

2Appointed Tetrarch of Ebon Cloak


1won Crescent with Amethyst Star for placing second in the April MT: "New Beginnings"

Great work over these last two weeks, it seems to me that the busy time at school is winding down and people are ready to get back into things. With that said remember the IGs will begin on May 19 so get prepared for a fast paced multi-club competition championship. Our Clan has a great history with this event and I expect that this year will be no different. Until that time keep yourselves busy with the competitions that are still going on and if anybody feels like It they can challenge me in the ACC, my time’s starting to get clear and I want to get my writing skills together for the big games.

That seems to be it, have a great week everyone. If you need me just drop me a mail and I’ll get to you as soon as I can otherwise t ill next weekend.


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