Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

Sapphire Squadron Report 5/11/05

Okay, this will be the first official one. I'm getting a little more

settled in, and a bunch of folks have helped me out. Thanks to Muz,

Raidoner, Konar, and Bob for sure.

As you can see, there are a ton of competitions running right now. So

get out there, and kick some behind for Sapphire! I realize that I

need to get writing/drawing/fighting myself! I mean, I neeeed more

medalsÂ…. Heh heh.

Look for my reports on Wednesday-ish, as that gives Bob time to get

them in his report.

Plus, Wednesday is good for me.

If any of you folks could supply me with a graphic banner for the

Team, that would rock.


None to Sapphire.

However, Raidoner is now known as Raidoner Mandalore.


Jonba Nibri, Novice. Good job, mate.

Now get cracking on PRT! See if you like me for any questions you might have.

DJK Konar Siosk-Baas, Flight Leader. Congrats!


None since I got the job


Okay, here's a short competition with fun and humor in mind.

With all the big ones going on in CNS, I thought something fun and easy

would be nice. Besides, humor is a good thing!

So here you are:

Sapphire's Snazzy Limericks

Specifics: Participants will submit a limerick, one per person. The

best limerick will win!

The winning entries will be compiled for later message board posting.

Standard Limerick format applies.

Start Date: 5/13/2005

End Date: 5/27/2005

Unit in Competition: Battle Team Sapphire Squadron

(but all of CNS is welcome)

Platforms: MS word or text, Times New Roman 12 pt. font

Awards: fifth level crescents

Comments: A short competition designed to get Sapphire's activity up

Other comps:

Konar's Graphic Comp #1

Kat's Secret

Sadow Bar Brawl

Konar's Monthly Writing Competion #1

No Longer

Settling the Tab

Notice our own Flight Leader DJK Konar is running a ton of

competitions. Very goodÂ… muah ha hah!

Kudos to Flight Leader SW Raidoner Mandalore as well for his work on

the run on competition, and competition ideas.

What's Up With Me

ACC madness. I am in 3 or four battles right now, after having

finished a few. Plus a couple of other competitions. And my Knight


RL, I might be finding myself single soon. Bah. I got a raise at

work, and got commissioned to write another article for the magazine I

write for. That makes me happy, as well as putting bucks in my pocket.


So follow my lead, warriors, and we will be the best Battle Team in

the DB! And that is all for now.


JH Macron Goura(Sith)/CMDR-EP/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow[KSOE:CCE][ACC:SKR]

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