Herald Report


Herald Report

If you have Star Wars news to report, drop me a line.

  • Site Reconstruction

    HRLD Site projects are moving but nothing uploaded yet.

SWGN has had some progress but is otherwise still on hold because

the P:SCL is busy.

  • Grant Of Arms Requests


They will be deleted.

  • Custom Lightsabers

Nothing New.

Six To Five

There are six more days - or five if you're hitting the midnight show - til RotS hits. I've heard from a few people who are

going to the midnight showing on Wednesday night/Thursday morning. Check out this cool

story on one guy's preview experience.

Parental Guide to RotS - Updated

This Link takes you to the

updated report of the more graphic scenes in EIII. NOTE: Heavy Spoilers are there.

National (US) Recognition for Revelations

USA Today published an

article reviewing Revelations, a low-budget fan film with

a huge production value. The near 40-minute fan film can be downloaded at Panic Struck Productions' website, TheForce.Net and

several other sites. Note: The Panic Struck Productions site runs very slow at times for me, and I'm on cable.

It seems to be jam-packed with Star Wars goodness... Lightsaber combat, Space Battles, Deceit, Betrayal, etc. I planned on

watching the whole thing before reporting on it but I keep forgetting to download it. I've only seen the trailer but what I've

seen looks great - except Karen Hammang. I hate to sound shallow or like a total jerk but just based on the trailer I don't like

her. I think her performance sounds horrid and to me she is kind of freaky looking. Maybe she gets better when I watch the whole


SW Inspired Fan Flicks

I did some looking around on iFilm and found the following 2 Fan Flicks that I felt were worth checking out:

Art Of The Saber
PLUS: Awesome Kung-Fu style action.

MINUS: t-shirt, sweatpants and sunglasses are not Jedi gear. Also the Jedi Outcast ripped SFX are cheesy, especially when you

know where they came from.

Anakin Auditions
Nearly as whiny as the real thing. Very

funny. Whole lotta swearing, so not quite for kiddies. I like when one guy is looking at a lightsaber prop... you'll know

when you see it.

This may come as a shock to some of you but I won't be hitting RotS on opening day. I detest crowds, and I hate waiting in line

even more. I hate going to a film three hours early just to stand in line and hope I get a good seat. I might see it in the

following week but I'm not sure exactly when.

Other than that I haven't really played much SWG lately only because I've been too tired. Working, pug wrangling, making dinner,

eating, more pug wrangling, and answering e-mail has been filling my days and nights. I have nothing really going on this

weekend - for a change - and look forward to cranking out some hours playing that and working on DJB stuff.

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