Aedile Report


Aedile Report

House Byss Aedile Report

May 15th, 2005

Taking Care of Byssness!

The report for this week is a bit thin, but I¡¦ll hit the main points before I go on my weekly rant. :-P

Acolyte Brijha Mortashka has been promoted (finally) to Protector! YAY! She has eagerly begun her trials under the tutelage of her Master, Desdemonea.

Speaking of Dessy, she has stepped down as the Envoy of House Byss, leaving me to find another suitable for the daunting task of welcoming and mentoring new members. After talking with Cym and Chi, I have decided that DJK Tarax Kor (I am not putting ALL your names here ļ) would be a fantastic candidate for the position. The Knight Commander has agreed and the switch over has already taken place. All welcome Ted as the new Envoy!

The IG¡¦s are coming on Thursday and I fully expect everyone in Byss to be signed up already. If you aren¡¦t signed up and registered, you CANNOT compete in the Games. So, if you aren¡¦t registered, GO DO THAT!

Episode III ¡V Revenge of the Sith comes out that same day and I am hoping to catch a glimpse of Mr. Lucas at the neighborhood theater (I live 10 minutes away from Skywalker Ranch, yay for me!) on Thursday. Unfortunately, the Mall cancelled the special screening for Mall Employees, so there are a few people who deserve to hear me rant in their office.

Unfinished Thoughts, my first competition as your Aedile has been approved. This means that directly following this paragraph, you will find the beginning to the first round. If you need to know the specifics of the competition, you can find them here:

Well, I forgot the intro at work. I will post it tomorrow. You can then all have some fun with this.

Dark Jedi Knight Lucien Azyr Triadus Isradia (Krath)

Envoy of Clan Exar Kun

Aedile of House Byss

Judge of the Antei Combat Centre

Dark Triad: Oracle

His Grace, the Count of Dor Sekhar

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