Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Dinaari QUA Report

Sorry I haven't done a report in a while, I got busy with various school-related things. Namely those damn AP tests.


  • There's a bunch of stuff to read about Project: Rebirth (updated DB site + other RP things). http://gm.darkjedibrotherhood.com/awakening.html

  • Episode III is apparently supposed to be better than the last two, there's info on the DB site about that.

  • Go vote for the DB flagship name. A good name. Don't you dare vote for the crappy ones.

  • Shar's taking over the Royal Guard, good luck to him with making it work.

  • Kir and Shad are back being active again and emailing things out to everyone.

Competitions and Activity


  • Independence Games are coming up soon. It's a pretty non-serious competition, a good place point for you new people to try a large DB comp.

  • Kir's got trivia in his report.

Various Things

  • Kir wants the next Tal Times out very soon...always an enjoyable read.

  • Another wildly popular Paint report soon. Haven't decided yet.


I feel somewhat dirty right now. Corrupted even. I've said many times that I don't enjoy mmorpgs, mostly because of the annoying zombie-like addicts and the monthly fees. In what was likely a moment of weakness I went and picked up Guild Wars. On the bright side, I can just stay out of towns and stuff and not ever have to deal with the other people. That and I won't have to pay monthly fees. So you can all mock me now.

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