Consul Report


Consul Report

Clan Exar Kun Report for May 17, 2005


The member archives are now online! I managed to get some free time yesterday and surprised myself by building it all in the space of one evening.

The archives showcase fiction and graphics submissions (and in the near future, custom battles). There are already some 20+ items in the archive, all sent to me over the course of the last few months.

Want to see your stuff there? Email it to me at chilong [at] darkjedibrotherhood [dot] com

NOTE: Please check the archives to ensure that your submission is not already there. View the archives at


I have accepted a new student. PRT Thran Occasus has come highly recommended to me from more than one of my senior staff. I shall be beginning his Trials of Knighthood shortly. I look forward to seeing what he can do!

I am still able to take on an additional student, so if you are interested, get in contact with me on IRC (or by email if I'm not answering on IRC). I generally will only take on a member who has already reached the rank of Protector and one who is active on IRC. If you match those qualifications and would like me to introduce you to the ways of the Dark Side, let me know!


If the above paragraphs made no sense to you, it is because you are not familiar with the Master/Student program in Clan Exar Kun. We are fortunate enough to have in place the "Path of Kun"... a document outlining the path our members take to the Dark Side. The Path is a reference document for the Masters (Approved members of CEK over the rank of DJK), detailing the minimum requirements a member must complete in order to progress towards Dark Jedi Knight. These are only minimum requirements, and some Masters may well expect more.

If you are a member over the rank of DJK and would like to take on a Student, contact Lucien ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]). Also, familiarize yourself with the Path of Kun found at

If you are a member under the rank of DJK (but usually at least PRT - exceptions can be made) and would like a Master to guide you to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight (when you get your lightsaber!) contact Lucien as well ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]).


As always, my little blurb about IRC. IRC is a great place to meet and talk with other DB and CEK members in real-time! Many of our members (myself included) spend a lot of time there, chatting about pretty much any topic imaginable. It's not really a role-playing environment (although some do roleplay on IRC), but more of a place to just get to know other members of you clan. I've made many friendships on IRC in my 10 years there, and I can't see myself stopping any time soon.

If you're interested, check out the guide at

If you just want to check it out quickly, you can go to and click on "Web Chat". A java applet will come up and you can try it out in your web browser... but this isn't as good as using mIRC.

Hope to see you there!


1) Featured Archived Item of the Month (working title)

With the submission of new archived items, I want to be able to set a specific item as a Featured item for the month. It will get its own page, as well as a featured link on the Archives page

Winning submission wins the creator a DC.

2) Blade of Kun

Member of the Month... gets character image drawn by myself (time permitting), featured interview, history in the clan and a shiney award (Likely an SC). This would be a main link on the site and will draw some attention to our featured member!


That's it for this week! Stay tuned next week for "QUAs Gone Wild" featuring CEK's Xiao Long (Cymberry) and "The Sexy Art of Cooking" with PCON Braecen!

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