Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Greetings All,

Yes that is right you all have a new Aedile in the House and that's me Blade Dranal, if you've been around long enough you might know me. If not you know what? I don't care, lol anyways I guess I'll make this my intro/report for this week. Yeah Anyways let me tell ya right now even though most of you are Krath it'd be nice to know if you guys are here and active, either drop me or Denath a line through email/irc/whatever and let us know you're alive. We'll probably do a formal activity check soon, anyways let me update ya'll on a few things going on in the DB.


As you've probably heard from Denath, the Independence Games has begun so I'll list some of the things going on, as far what you'll be able to participate in I'll put that in the Competitions section cause it seems more appropriate. But as far as Announcements go Denath is the QUA if you guys forget he was appointed a few days ago. I, Blade Dranal have been appointed AED as of well last night actually, anyways yeah. Hopefully me and Denath are gonna Work on getting ya'll interested again. On a lighter note, I'm gonna talk to Denath about getting a site up for Qel-Droma so if you guys wanna add something to it or have some suggestions send them our way! :)


APP kraven Transfered from Rogue to House Qel-Droma.

That's about all, we'd like to see some more though, but everyone give a warm welcome to kraven and make him feel at home.


None yet, let's get some activity so we can have something to post here next week! :)

Competitions & Stuff

Yeah the monthly fiction comp is still on, the details can be found here.

Arcona Monthly Fiction Comp

As Denath has stated earlier the Independance Games are on so here's what you need to do if you wish to participate.

  1. Read the Rules.

1a. IG Rules

  1. Review The Events.

2a. IG Events

  1. Register and Login.

3a. IG Registration

As far as the Fictional Events are concerned most of you will probably be interested in the following events.

Command Zoo

Graxe's Gaption Gontest

Look Who's Coming For Dinner

The essence of Star Wars

The Eye of the Storm

All information on them can be found at the Events listing at the link provided above.

Qel-Droma Roll

Dark Orb's Roll:

Dark Side Adept Voranyen d'Tana-Arconae

Epis Vassan Rokir

Priest Ktulu Revolier Xyler

Dark Jedi Master Mejas Doto

Archpriest Frost

Novice Kreth Drey

Apprentice kraven

Apprentice FrostBite

Apprentice Nether Blackflame

Prophecy's Roll:

Epis Alex d'Tana

Archpriest Sashar

Archpriest Timeros Caesus Entar

Priest Kandos Katarn

Guardian Kor'Val

Closing Notes

Yeah i hope i was informative and stuff, anyways it's been awhile since i've done things like this. Kinda been out of the loop but once you've done both jobs of AED and QUA writing Reports are kinda like riding bicycles once you get it right you'll never forget it unless you get amnesia or some brain disease. Aside from that let's get some activity going and show the rest of the DB that we can still participate! :)

Later All,

AED Blade Dranal

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