Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

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Night Falcons Report

House News

New RM soon!

Squadron News

Weee, we are the number one Sith BT! I like cheese


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<font size="6">Commanders Pep Talk

</font>Weeee we won! Any who, IG's are underway and you should go out and play some MP. If you don't have any platforms go grab a fiction event. Manji, our Quaestor is currently hosting an event that is all about your character! How great is that? Its called Diaries of Freedom. All of you that participate can expect some type of shiney in the future. Go out there, have fun, earn shineys and make us happy!


Xhedias Forkall got some CF's

Isaiah Demonicus some CF's

Valkar Joined us! Yay!

Valkar passed the Sith Core!

Valkar moved to Night Raptors! Nice to meet you :D

** SW Xhedias Forkall (Sith)/CMDR/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow <font color="#ffcc66"><small>[GMRG: G:OHC]</small></font> <small> <font color="#ffcc66">[PA: </font> </small><small>DS</small><small><font color="#ffcc66">]</font> </small> <font color="#ffcc66"><small>[ACC: WAR]</small></font>**

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