Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Greetings all, another weekly address from your beloved Quaestor:

First order of buisiness is both the clan and the Brotherhood AWOl check. If you have not yet done so please log into the DB site like normal so that your account will not be deleted.

Second, I just read Saitou's report and the participation in the IGs from our House is looking great. If we keep up this pace we'll surely do well and I can say we have a good chance of winning again. Only a few weeks left so let's do it.

Third, congrats to Saitou on his Dark Side scroll for his submission to the new dark voice newsletter. If you haven't looked at it yet go to the main DB page and follow the link, it's well worth the read. While there check out the other news that might be important including a new poll and the results from the ICTE.

That's all the stuff I have to give you for the week. If you think I forgot anything or if you need me to do anything just email me or post it to the Clan mailing list and I'll get to it ASAP. Have a great week everyone.

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