Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Its going to be a fairly short report this week, not much to talk about. If anyone wants an ACC match let me know, i'm always up for a challenge.

Lots of leavers

As I promised, those who were inactive have been removed from the phyle. I didnt want that to happen, and I wouldnt like to do it again, but they had fair warning and it wasnt exactly unreasonable. Please dont let me have to do that again people.


There's plenty to keep us all active. Take a look at the Making Room comp if nothing else, it ends on the 20th but I found it alot of fun.

Expect another Phyle comp fairly soon.

Shiny Baubles

Lots of seals of allegiance given out.

Vassan got a crescent with emerald star!

Ark got a crescent with topaz star!

Wrath got a crescent with quartz star!


Salnar was promoted to Acolyte, and Ark was promoted to Guardian! Well done!


Frost transferred to the rogues.

Kraven was pretty much dead and I expect he has been scrubbed in the AWOL check.

And it is with a heavy heart I had to have Mejas and Voranyen removed. I have known these two for most of my time in the DB and they have both been on the summit. I didnt want to remove them as they are two of the best writers the DB has. But they didnt submit to the IG's or the failure comp, with no reasons, and so I have had them removed. Its not something I want to do again.

So in closing still be active, challenge me in the ACC and have some fun!


DJK Karan Callidus Entar (Krath)/RM-TET/Qel-Droma of Arcona [KSOE: ENV] [ACC: SKR]

SC-SoA / StA-WG / DC-KC / Cr-1R-2S-2E-1T / DSS / S:-4Al

{SA: U:TS - G:LS - K:CORE}

Tetrarch of Dark Orb phyle

Rollmaster and Envoy of House Qel-Droma

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