Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

BattleTeam NightHawks Report

July 25th, 2005

Good Morning/ Good Evening. I am the new Tetrarch of the Nighthawks, successor to Kat Pridemore who is an example for all in the battleteam. There are plenty of other members of our clan to model yourselves after and if you are a journeyman and don’t have a master, I suggest you get one as soon as you can.

There are plenty of things going on and with that, plenty of opportunities. First of all, there are a lot of competitions going on and, courtesy of our newly appointed Chirurgeon Lexy, I have a list of the newest comps.

Dromund Kaas Excursion

The Barrier

Debate Competition(those who are participating know

who they are)

CNS: Musically talented?

Old Words

MT: The Dark God named Krath

MT: The Fall of Ulic Qel-Droma


Character Development #9: Death

Thank you Lexy.

Now we’ve gotten very few medals and tests completed this week. If you want to move your way up the ladder, you better start doing something. Whether it be writing competitions or gaming comps, you need to do something to get it going. You can even submit comps if you want.

Raven received 6 clusters of fire on July 10th (wow, I got that e-mail only a week ago) so congratulations

Sharmin Wheyes completed the ACC initiates course with flying colors. Great work!

Don’t forget to try out Allegiance, especially if you like flying games. Easy way to earn some respect.

~JH Lech

Tetrarch of Battleteam Nighthawks

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