Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

<head><title>Iron Fist Battleteam, House Ludo Kressh, Clan Naga Sadow</title></head>

<font size="6">Battleteam Iron Fist Weekly Report #10</font> (27th July 2005)

<font size="5">Sergeant Voort SaBinring</font>

<font size="5">Iron Fist News</font>

Sergeant's comments<font color="#0f6db3">

<font color="yellow">Would everyone listed as not being in contact on the roster below contact me immediately.</font> You may use

AIM(MunroBurton), IRC(usually Voort) or email([Log in to view e-mail addresses]).

It's been a pretty quiet week. I'd like to welcome our new member, Tanec Aeire. The best thing to happen this week is... I got promoted

to Dark Jedi Knight!

</font> Promotions and Awards<font color="#0f6db3">

Voort - Promoted to Dark Jedi Knight!

Tanec - Promoted to Acolyte

Voort - 11 Clusters of Fire for MP victories in gaming nights.

</font> Transfers<font color="#0f6db3">

Tanec - transferred in.

</font> Graduations<font color="#0f6db3">

Tanec - Obelisk Core

Tanec - ACC Initates

</font> <font size="5">Iron Fist Roster</font><font color="#0f6db3"> </font><table border="1"> <tr> <th>Rank</th> <th>Name</th> <th>In Contact?</th> <th>Active?</th> </tr> <tr> <td>Dark Jedi Knight</td> <td>Voort SaBinring</td> <td><center>I've started
talking to myself.</center></td> <td>Yes</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Templar</td> <td>Pheniox</td> <td>On LoA</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jedi Hunter</td> <td>Morgan Cymbeline
Glyndwr</td> <td>Yes</td> <td>Yes</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Guardian</td> <td>Akile Draccor</td> <td>No</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Protector</td> <td>Xtreme</td> <td>No</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Acolyte</td> <td>Xardras Valenthort</td> <td>No</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Protector</td> <td>McCo-Jo Kecal</td> <td>No</td> <td>No</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Acolyte</td> <td>Tanec Aeire</td> <td>Yes</td> <td>Yes</td> </tr> <tr> <td>-</td> <td>-</td> <td>-</td> <td>-</td> </tr> <tr> <td>-</td> <td>-</td> <td>-</td> <td>-</td> </tr> <tr> <td>-</td> <td>-</td> <td>-</td> <td>-</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Acolyte</td> <td>enthar</td> <td>No</td> <td>No</td> </tr> </table>


Quite a lot of competitions, of all kinds. Don't forget about Tuesday and Thursday nights, the InterClub Training Event(ICTE) on Saturday

and the Sunday Tournament every second Sunday. These include nearly everything - Jedi Knight series Multiplayer, X-wing series

Multiplayer, ACCLive and the recently added Allegiance. The Sith High Warrior has announced that random games(with announcements 72 hours

beforehand) will earn each Clan a fighter per member participating! Download Allegiance from here -

even if you suck and get totally killed,(forgivable, space combat is not our forte as Obelisk warriors) the clan gets a fighter.

Konar's Monthly Writing Competition #2 - ends 30th July

-Crescent with Amethyst Star

-Crescent with Sapphire Star

-Crescent with Emerald Star

Konar's Monthly Graphics Competition #2 - ends 30th July

-Crescent with Amethyst Star

-Crescent with Sapphire Star

-Crescent with Emerald Star

MT: The Dark God named Krath - ends 31st July

-Crescent with Ruby Star

-Crescent with Amethyst Star

-Crescent with Sapphire Star

MT: The Fall of Ulic Qel-Droma - ends 31st July

-Crescent with Ruby Star

-Crescent with Amethyst Star

-Crescent with Sapphire Star

Character Development #9: Death - ends 31st July

-Crescent with Ruby Star

-Crescent with Amethyst Star

-Crescent with Sapphire Star

The Barrier - ends 15th August

-Crescent with Amethyst Star

-Crescent with Sapphire Star

-Crescent with Emerald Star

Dromund Kaas Excursion - ends 20th September

-Crescent with Amethyst Star

-Crescent with Sapphire Star

-Crescent with Emerald Star

Keep an eye on the mail lists and the DB's competition list for the latest information on the competitions.

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