Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

Holy hell, its been a while since i did one of these.

DB News

ORoS is finally over, great work to all those that participated, korras will be getting the results out very soon.

Xanos (aka Goat) promoted to DJM, if you see him tell him congrats!

Tal/Dinaari news

New Tal site layout, looks really sweet

Kir still doing mav's stuff, so he may not be around much, if you see him just shout out a hey to him and ask him how its goin.

DFB News

Tons of medals are gonna pour out from this ORoS, so when i get ALL the results ill make another news post.

Congrats to Jaysen on GRD!

Personal News

Man, i need therapy. Too much gaming. As of Sunday, ill be on a week long vacation, i wont be on irc at all so if you need to reach me just toss me an email and ill get to it quickly.

Kraval Novir

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