Aedile Report


Aedile Report

This week in Marka Ragnos

Manji’s back! I’m here now, but if you have any pressing concerns, let me know, as I am out of here early next month for two weeks – I’m counting down the days to my vacation.

Another week passes us… and things are quiet, it seems. I think that Fred the Seal is probably the most active one out there right now. Just a reminder, we are looking for a new Tetrarch for the Night Hawks. If you are interested, send an application to Manji and I before Sunday.

Reminder: ICTE is on this Saturday. Last Saturday, I was the only participant from HMR. And only four people from HLK joined me. Thank you all for your participation, but I hope to see more from some of you.

House Feud: Unsettled Scores

The House Feud is on… there are lots of events. Submit!

Transfers, Incoming, Outgoing, Changes:

Nothing new here.


Congratulations Thorin on DJK!

I received a few CFs for gaming.

SA courses:

Jakual Gaiton Ordo passed the Krath Grammar Studies


Participate in the house feud. Those doing the debates still, the third round has reached us.

I can always be found on IRC – ACCLive! is on Tuesdays and Thursdays, with me as the judge. Let me know if you need anything.

DJK Kat Pridemore

Aedile of House Marka Ragnos

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