Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

General Info:

It's the weekend, which means that it's time for another QUA Report from yours truly. There hasn't been a whole lot going on outside of work for me for the past couple of weeks, but work has been horrendous. I've been working on some more comp ideas, but I'm holding them off until after the RoS so we can focus on what is most important. And right now the RoS is simply the most important thing going on, but we'll get to that in our next section.


As I said just above, right now the single more important thing going on is the RoS. I have been stepping up my activity for this as much as possible, but seeing as I can't play the games it's only the writing events and the ACC I can do. I want everyone that is capable of doing something for the ORoS to do something, whether it be gaming, writing, or ACCing. The current writing event ends tomorrow, and all you have to do is write two pages about what your character is doing in the beginning of this war. That is about as easy as it gets. So lets get to it.

There are also several other comps going on throughout the Clan. A full rundown on the current competitions can be found in the Rollmaster Report.


Our activity has slowed down again. This is not what we want, especially with such a big Brotherhood-wide competition going on. Those of you that have not yet replied to the AWOL check going on need to do so within the next week. All you have to do is reply to the e-mail and sign up for the House Caliburnus boards to post something in the AWOL thread. This is extremely easy to do and shouldn't take you more than ten minutes total. We want to know who here is really here and who is not around anymore and if you don't reply you will be assumed gone and removed from the House and Clan and put in Rogue. I have only heard from a very few of you at this point, so do this now.

Those of you that have been active have been doing very well, and I'm glad to see the continued effort. My thanks goes out to you for trying, and I tried to show a bit of my appreciation for that last week by awarding our three most active members with Dark Crosses. You guys deserved them. Others have been receiving promotions. Next time you see our Aedile, Sykes, congratulate him on a hard earned promotion to Battlemaster.

Now lets get to the awarding of this Report's activity All-Star. During the period of the last two weeks (since my last Report) this member of House Caliburnus has been very active earning 12 CF's and a Dark Cross. He is our most active member with the RoS, and this has earned him the All-Star award for this Report. Congratulations to SW Horus Blackheart Aquillarum the Activity All-Star! Expect your Crescent with Emerald Star soon!


There has been some moving around in the Battleteams. The former BTL of Nightmare had to step down due to some issues in RL that have kept him on an extended LOA. Because of this I chose Talon Jade as the new Commander of Nightmare Squadron. I have faith in his abilities to turn that BT around and get it going, and with the help of his new Flight Leader, Horus Blackheart I have no doubt great things are in store for Nightmare.

I still need to hear from most of you about if you play games, write, both, or neither. Please take the time to e-mail me and let me know so we can get the BT's filled.

House Issues:

There isn't a whole lot going on right now that hasn't been mentioned above somewhere, at least that I can manage to remember at the moment. If there's anything you would like to add feel free to reply to the e-mail.

In Conclusion:

I know that there are some of you out there that can do better than what we're doing right now. A lot of the inactivity that has been going on has been blamed on the time of the year with school starting and all of the stuff that comes with that. October will be here before you know it, and I want our activity back by then. That gives everyone plenty of time to get adjusted to their new schedules. We need your activity now so we can finish well in the RoS. Let's get to it!

May Darkness Guide You,


DJK Brujah Tamalar (Sith)/QUA/Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae [ACC: JUD]

DC-KC-O-CS / Cr-2A-3S / CF-BlF / LSB / SI / S:-7Al

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