Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

First off, I must appologize for my lack of appearance on irc. Due to my RL work schedule, I've had little time to do much of anything, and has left me wondering if my boss needs to be committed to any local insane assylum.

Also, my DSL and phone connections have been intermittent for the past couple of weeks. This has left me no real option, except for filing work ticket after wrok ticket with my provider. As far as I know, from what I've been told by a couple of techs, this is an ongoing problem that has left part of the city with the same issue as me and, apparently, this has been a current issue with my provider for the past month. So who knows when I will get a stable line again.

Anyways, on with my report.

Night Raptors News

No new joins this week. I'm still all alone in the Obelisk section of Marka Ragnos.


I have managed to claim 3 CoF's for the ORoS. Just goes to show that even with an unpredictable conn, I can still earn a few medals and points for the Clan.

Once I have an easier work schedule and a more stable connection, expect a bit more from me in the ORoS.

OT Phantom Mandalore (Obelisk)/SGT/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow

DC-KC-O-CS-D / Cr-1E-2Q / CF-BlF / S:-2R


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