Rollmaster Report


Rollmaster Report

RevengeX sat at his desk in his small office, scribbling down notes as he skimmed through several documents at once. He was wearing his usual garb, a purple cloak trimmed with blue, and a sash that held it all up. Underneath his cloak, just as a precaution, he wore his battle garb, a purple tunic and loose-fitting purple pants. The Rollmaster's lightsaber was held by the blue sash behind him so that it was concealed for the most part. The weather had gotten slightly colder and some of the Dark Jedi who ambled the halls of the House's headquarters were already wearing thick coats to protect themselves from the unusual cold. The Krath Priest was used to this kind of weather and did not worry about the below zero temperatures at night. Finally finishing copying down his notes, he stretched and then took another fresh piece of paper and began to write his weekly report...

Clan News:

Not much this week, but we're currently catching up to the other clans for the Obelisk Rite of Supremacy, so keep up the good work. We are also currently in battle with Taldryan over a few hexes, so those of you who don't have games can participate in ACC battles.

House News:

Not much happened in the house as well. But I have noticed a decline in the amount of activity for the house, and want everybody to notch it up a bit.

Activity Report/Transfers:


Crescent with Topaz Star


Crescent with Quartz Star


Crescent with Emerald Star

Cluster of Fire x6


Crescent with Amethyst Star


Cluster of Fire x1


Simanus to HAD

Vithril to Rogues


Blade of Palpatine

So... you think you're the best?

ACCLive! September Jamboree

Get on IRC, go to channel #acc on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays and start earning those CFs!


Who wants in on the consul's stash of booze?

September MTs are also up until the end of this month. The Obelisk Rite of Supremacy is also running as well. Have a good week everyone.


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