Aedile Report


Aedile Report

I need to make an apology to the House. I'm sorry that I haven't been up and about like I usually am. I'm working on getting everything back on track. Now for news.


Right now, we are engaged in a war with House Galeres. If we win, we receive Endor, and many military assets, which will come in handy very soon. Everyone try to get as active as possible, and you can expect rewards, medals, and promotions. Now for the main event.


Apprentices Prime and Cerberus have joined Oriens Obscurum!! Congrats, you two, and welcome.


Shingen Octavian Mifune has been promoted to Archpriest!! HORRAY FOR OUR QUAESTOR!!

weaponx was promoted to Acolyte, before being demoted back to Apprentice.


Kazuya "Diablos" Mifune has received a Crescent of Emerald Star, as well as a Dark Cross.

Well, that's about it. Later!!

-JH Bokuzen "Hitokiri" Mifune

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