Krath High Priestess Report


Krath High Priestess Report

** -> Special Krath Type Announcements <- **

I totally forgot about my report last week. Sorry about that.. I'd like to thank Esca for the work he did as Praetor. I do wish him the best. And at this time I will NOT be accepting applications for Praetor. I will not be replacing Esca at all so do not bother asking.<p>There have been new additions to the Writer's Corner. Be sure to swing on by and read some of those pieces of fiction. The authors do like to have comments placed about their works too. hint hint

** -> Krath News <- **
The Halloween competition is still going on. Not too many have participated in that. It's a good way to get some quick activity in and maybe even a medal or two. The link is below if you've forgotten about it.<p>The Debate competition is just about over. The team finals are done and I'm going over that. The singles is down to two people and still has a few more days to go.<p>While you are browsing websites, check out the changes that were made to the Armed Hostilities hall. You'll find that battles will last longer but have a time limit. Easy CFs there so be sure to participate next month!

** -> Krathy Hook Ups <- **

Hey got some links for you all to browse.
<p>The Krath Site
Writer's Corner
Debate Competition
Location of the Debates
The Fun of Halloween

** -> Krath-i-ness! <- **

Weee! I just love engineers who can't think outside their little box. That's been my week...along with 60 hours on the paycheck. It's been funny at work though. I watched a guy drive right into a door. We all clapped and laughed but it sucked afterwards cause then we couldn't close the door. It's cold when the doors are open. I'm not talking about that little door in your room, I'm talking about the big vinyl roll up doors that are two truck trailers wide and like 50 feet high.<p>So remember, don't drive with your head stuck up your butt. Get off that cell phone and focus on what is in front of you. Or else you'll have people laughing and clapping at you too. </p></p></p></p></p>

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