Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Hex Weekly Report

Greetings Lords and Ladies of Hex,

Dark Brotherhood New Reviews:-

As of this moment there is not a great deal of activity present within the Brotherhood, this is on account of routine purges and regular inactivity due to either exams or personal life commitments. It is this period, closing on the holiday season, which experiences the most inactivity and drop in member participation. As a result my report will not consist of a great deal of information or happenings, as there is very little to write down. So with out further procrastination here is what is currently making news on the main website.

Donald Trumps “The Apprentice” is merging with a new theme revolving around Star Wars, the link to all relevant information is located here:-

I suggest you catch the show if your interested in this kind of stuff, I know I am and will. All other information and clips can be found on the main Star Wars website, so I suggest you do your own explorations.

Dark Side Mistress Arania has sanctioned a large and involved new competition, called the Epic Story competition; we must congratulate her on her unique title. How ever did she think that title up I wonder. : P Don’t tell I said that! : P Well all the information can be found here:-

Although her own words on the subject can be located on the main brotherhood website, so I suggest you read them so as to gain more information regarding the competition.

Various reports have been released and I am sure if you wanted to read them you would have done so already, so I am not going to bother to put them up in my own report; which will also most likely not be read. : P Its a vicious circle, but what are you going to do! : P

But if you are interested check out the main website, all relevant information and reports that no one reads can be found there:-

Well that’s it for the news, I am sure your as thrilled in reading this report as I am writing it :P Due to a lack of participation in the Hex Weekly Trivia portion of my reports this will be the last week of trivia unless I get substantial participation which I don’t expect :P So make sure you surprise me with answers, or this will be the final week of trivia in the phyle of Hex associated with my reports.

Well I must report the addition of new flock to the Hex Roster:- Or rather fresh blood as I would like to say. :P

Honorable Members of the Respected Phyle of Hex:-

Krath Tyro Shups - Dark Jedi Master

Krath Tyro Seraine "Erinyes" Ténama - Pontifex

Krath Tyro NexusMage - Archpriest

Krath Tyro Vodo Biask - Guardian

Krath Tyro Tegan Void - Novice

Krath Tyro Lazarus Atul - Novice

And your beloved Leader:-

Krath Tetrarch Tiberius Serpentium - Dark Jedi Knight

Greetings to Lazarus Atul, Tegan Void, Seraine “Erinyes” Tenama and welcome to Hex. If you have any question as to my requirements do feel free to contact me privately. I am always in search of good council and new ideas. So do contact me if you have anything on your minds.

Hex Weekly Trivia:-

Okay that all for now. Here is the weekly trivia. Don’t get brain rot thinking about it :P

Well here it is:-

What is the name of the Mos Eisley Cantina?

The previous owner of C-3PO and R2-D2 was...?

Obi-Wan's rank in the Clone Wars?

What was the name of Princess Leia's Correllian Corvette which was attacked at

the beginning of Star Wars: A New Hope?

Code name for Hoth base?

There you go. Now send me the correct reply and win yourself a nice medal. Because if you don’t : </me shakes fist at computer screen> :P

Well that’s it for this week’s addition, stay tuned. Same Hex channel, same Hex time. :P Hey what do you know I made a funny!!!!!!!! don’t all laugh at once! :P

In your Service,

Tiberius Serpentium

Servant of the Divine Emperor

Eternal Monument to Palpatine

Tetrarch of Hex, Ektrosis of Taldryan

First Clan of the Great Jedi War

First Clan of the Krath

First Clan of the Obelisk

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