Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Greeting Ludo Kresshians

Well this is my first report as Aedile so I have a lot of things to say and a lot of information to give you guys.

Allrighty lets get started then. Firstly I would like to congratulate Siyavash on getting Jade Serpents TET, Lanius Sin for getting Assistant Envoy and Raidoner getting CMDR of Night Falcons back at Marka Ragnos.

Now for some house news. First of all me becoming an Aedile will change a few things in HLK. Starting this moment Im the person responsible for gaming in the house. That means that anything that has to do with gaming and with gaming nights, ICTE and any other tournament is my responsibility. Also, please note that any BTL who needs to award something higher then DC should go directly to myself and not Macron, since I will be handling all this stuff.

Allright, now that this is settled on to number 2 on the agenda. BattleTeam Feud. Yes, it is almost finished. Introductory fiction is almost done, point system worked out and fiction competitions almost created. Expect great awards for this. Now two important notices on BT Feud. First of all the run on which Macron is running will be used. Users who post and who make the best posts will be awarded points. Secondly Allegiance will be worth bonus points, so download the game and play it for bonus points ;)

Now for the fun part of the report, Awards.

I got 13 CFs and 1 ECF

manesh got himself 1 CF

Macron will report the rest of the medals on his report so keep an eye out for that.

A few clan wide competitions going on now.

As always gaming nights on Tuesday and Thursday and ICTE every saturday. Sunday Tournaments are also every other Sunday so I encourage you guys to participate since Sunday Tournaments gets you points which you may then spend on buying some pretty cool stuff.

Also I will take this time to announce my Black Guard, who will be Ashia Kagan. I will be sending her out to kill some people very soon :P

I think I covered most of what I wanted with this report. If anyone has any comments please email me.

JH Magnus "Lucius" Mandalore (Sith)/AED-EP/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow [GMRG: IND] [KSOE: AENV] [ACC: SKR]

GC / DC-LC / (GN) / Cr-2R-2A-2S-1E / CF-BlF-RF-GF-PF / ECF / S:-6Al-8C  

{SA: U:TL - U:TW - G:LS - G:CM - G:IRC - G:ICQ - G:MSN - K:POET - S:CORE}

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