Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Ziltopia quickly steps out of her office and into anteroom which serves the purpose of a lounge for the Mystics of the Black Arts. Her two apprectices, Jareth and Dragnos, look up from the material they are reviewing as Ziltopia puts a blue colored orb into the reader of the streaming data center which flashes messages around the edges of the room on a scrolling data reader.

::NOV Jareth Daedalus passes IRC Basics course with a score of 100%::

::The Obsidian Blade run-on continues on The Forums::

::Check out the November Trivia on The Forums::

Ziltopia removes the blue orb and returns to her office, her presense in the anteroom like that of a passing wraith.

"Nice job on your exam," Dragnos says to Jareth.

"Thanks," Jareth responds to his fellow Novice, "Odd that our Master did not say anything, I wonder what has her attention."

"I am sure we will find out in time," Dragnos answers before returning his attention to his work.

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