Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Darkest Greetings,

War is Hell:

Lots to cover in this report, and lots to discuss. The key point of this report will of course be the current House Wars, which has now resumed. As you all should know the very existence of our House depends on the outcome of this war. I’m very happy with our ACC performance so far. Many of you have taken the initiative to challenge members of HDS and that’s exactly what we should be doing. The more fights in that Hall the better, but there are also several other activities that I’d like to see you take part in. For starters I know that we have several gamers in this House, and we’ll need you to step up now. I personally think we have the people to win that event. I know some of you are very good, so let’s put those skills to use. Play any member of HDS and use the report form that you’ll find on this page http://www.krath.org/arania/csp/ along with the information on all of the running events. You’ll want to keep an eye on this page as events can pop up quickly.

After talking to Arania about Yahoo! Naval Command (a different, and in my opinion much, much better version of Battleship) she has decided to allow us to play that as well. There are no limits to moves, or games on Yahoo! so you can play as many games as you’d like. Myself and Dakari played four games in a span of half an hour. It’s fast paced and animated, and best of all…it’s free. So, get together with some members of HDS and play either the It’sYourTurn.com version or the Yahoo! version. But please do remember to TAKE SCREENSHOTS OF THE RESULTS ON YAHOO! Both players need to take a screenshot of the results of every game played, and send them to Arania. For more information on Yahoo! Naval Command, go here: http://games.yahoo.com/flt

Also let’s all remember to submit an entry to the one sentence event. Even if you’re not much of a writer, anyone, and I mean ANYONE can write a sentence. If you’re not all tuckered out after writing your sentence, why not give the story event a try too? :P

Seriously, these events are very fun, and not all that hard either. So let’s smash some Obbie heads open!


I’ve seen a pick up of activity recently, and again I’m really proud of that. You guys have been hitting the Shadow Academy hard, and I love seeing that. Keep it up! I’m not seeing as many CF’s as I know we can get, but I’m hoping that will change with this war.

I had a tough time deciding this report’s Activity All-Star. So many of you have done very well recently, but there had to be a winner. So without any further delay the Activity All-Star of this report is Dark Jedi Knight Daniel Stephens. Since he transferred back into House Caliburnus he has done nine Shadow Academy exams! That’s a great effort on his part. Congratulations Daniel, and expect your Crescent with Emerald Star soon!

Random Stuff:

The GMRG is how starting their new Recruitment Cycle. If you would like to apply to the GMRG, please submit an application using the following guidelines: http://gmrg.darkjedibrotherhood.com/files/application.html

ACCLive! Double Awarding has now ended, but you can still come in on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and every other Sunday (with the Sunday Tournament) and play for regular rewards of one CF per win and one CF per three losses (in one day). If you’re a Seeker or above and you haven’t tried out ACCLive!, you officially suck. That’s right…I said it. Come redeem yourself from your suckiness. :P

Remember to check out DBRadio! They are a free, there’s that word again, radio service with DJ’s from your very own Dark Brotherhood. For more information check out the #DBRadio channel on IRC.

In Conclusion:

Great work recently let’s keep this ball rollin’ and dominate this war like only House Caliburnus can. I want to see everyone in the House do something for the war (Remember, anyone can write a sentence, and I’ll be very disappointed if you don’t). Also remember that showing your activity and loyalty to House Caliburnus is a great way to get yourself a promotion in time for Christmas. All you have to do is prove to me that you really want it.

Caliburnus Roster:

Battlelord Desio Predator

Battlelord Talon Jade

Battlelord Phoenix Olkyssagh Palpatine

Battlemaster Sykes Rokir Jade

Warrior Warhunter Arawn Entar

Warrior Horus Blackheart Jade

Dark Jedi Knight Daniel Stephens

Dark Jedi Knight Xen'Culo Apophis Entar

Dark Jedi Knight Desdemonea

Dark Jedi Knight Brujah Tamalar

Dark Jedi Knight Panzerus Korodin

Jedi Hunter Kaylesha Blackheart Jade

Protector Brijha Mortashka

Protector Súrion

Protector Animus AniKor Saxcian

Protector Sakeriel

Protector Riunta Pistola

Acolyte Lucian

Acolyte Lelal Mekha

Acolyte Kravan

Novice Atlan Sundown

Novice Bladerunner

Novice Set

Novice Jelan Ragous

Apprentice Vigoratus

Apprentice Darik Helix

Have a great week!

May Darkness Guide You,

Dark Jedi Knight Brujah Tamalar

Quaestor of House Caliburnus

DJK Brujah Tamalar (Sith)/QUA/Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae [ACC: JUD]

StA / DC-KC-O-CS / Cr-2A-3S-2E / CF-BlF / LSB / SI / S:-7Al-3C

{SA: U:TL - U:TW - G:ATW - G:LS - G:CM - G:LA - G:LP - G:IRC - G:IRC2 - G:ICQ - G:MSN - G:HTML1 - G:AIC - G:MED - K:CORE - K:GS - K:POET - K:AP - K:RO - O:CORE - S:CORE - S:ISET - S:ESET - S:TAC}

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