Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Ektrosis Aedile Report #1

House News

If you haven't heard already there's a new Aedile in town. Who is this person, you ask? Well it's none other then...drum roll ME! For those of you who don't know me, I've been in the DB for almost 6 years now and I've spent most of that time in Tal. I was Quaestor of Archanis before the split, and I took over again after the split in hopes of reviving the house. When the summits realized that reviving it would be impossible the house was closed and I took over as Aedile of Dinaari, where I stayed for a little while before school caught up to me and I was forced to resign and go rogue. Now I'm back and when Chaos asked for applications for Aedile I jumped at the chance, and here we are now.

Chaos and I are working on revamping the Jedi Trials. We've already made minor revisions, the most noteworthy being that now there is no required waiting time between promotions, it's been changed to a suggested waiting time. This was done to help the people who are extremely active and speed through the requirements for each promotion. We felt that it would be best to allow those people to be promoted faster then the norm. The recommended waiting time is how long Chaos and I feel that it should take to complete the requirements for each promotion with a moderate level of activity. Expect to hear more about the revisions in the next week or two. We're also going to be mailing APPs and NOVs to make sure that they know the new requirements for promotions and to get them moving on them.

In addition, one of the things that the clan summit is working on with the houses is to eliminate the amount of information that is reported multiple times. Chaos and I got the idea that instead of trying to coordinate who would report what each week we'd simply switch off with our reports. I'm doing the house report this week, so Chaos won't be writing one and next week he is going to write the report so I won't be writing one. I also won't be reporting on clan news, again to lessen the cross reporting, so you're gonna have to start reading the Consul and Proconsul reports.


APP Quentis Aries (Obelisk): SA to Ektrosis

APP Cauvus Demol (Sith)


** Medals**

None this week


None this week

** SA Courses Passed **

Baron Zarco: Sith Core, Obelisk Core

Menace: Leadership studies, Conflict Mediation, MSM Messenger

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