Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

Hello everyone,


Well, I guess for a couple of us will be pretty occupied with real life in the next week, so the first competition for the Battleteam will be running the next two weeks. The competition isn't too difficult and calculator are allowed (since I can't check at all :) )

Dark Jedi Algebra


Even for the strongest Jedi the universe is structured through logic and numbers. How much Volt or Ampere do I need to grill a Mandalorian trooper in his armor with a force lightning. How much Newton a force push needs to push a Rebel trooper (100 kg with equipment) 20 metres away. How much cookies do I need to bake for Duga to get a promotion.

All this questions are elementary for a jedi. How many of us had tried to lift a X-Wing and mentioned: Too heavy. Lets see how basic mathematics can even increase your talent in the dark side. :)

1)Dark Jedi Knight JOnoob tries himself on the ICTE. He looses 3 games against JOmaster, wins one game and looses 2 games against JObeginner, wins 2 games and and looses one game against AnotherJOnoob and wins 3 games against me. How many CFs JOnoob gets?

2)Take the my pin (Michael Arkarso) and add it to Duga's pin, then substact Shadow's pin 5 times from the result.

3)How about adding Bens and Mavs pin together and substracting Pyralis pin?

4)Name the lowest amount of medals a member with the follwing medal insignia can have?

DC-KC-O-CS / Cr-1T-1Q / CF-BlF-RF-GF-PF / S:-8C

5)What is the highest amount of medals the member of question 4) can have?

The 1st place gets a CR-1T, 2nd place a Cr-1Q.

Please send your results to me per e-mail within the next two weeks and CC the mails to Duga and Kraval.

You can also check the enty on the competitions page:


Medals recieved 16th December to 22th December:

DA Acxodim "DV" Pyralis: Steel Cross

JH Michael Arkarso: Cluster of Fire x3

Promotions 16th December to 22th December:

Will mention as soon as they come :)

Competitions / Creative:

Brotherhood: The KHP's holiday bash!


Submit to DA Telona Murrage

Brotherhood: Realities


Submit to DJM Arania Lawakiro Palpatine

Clan Taldryan: The Santa Slayer


Submit to CON Shadow Taldrya, QUA Duga Arkarso, AED Kraval Novir

Competitions / Gaming:

1v1 Night, but anything goes really - Tuesdays in #GMRG

Team Night, but anything goes really - Thursdays in #GMRG

Interclub Training Event (ICTE) - Saturdays in #outerrim

Bi-Weekly MP Tournament - Every other Sunday in #GMRG

Competitions / Other:

Clan Taldryan: Tal Trivia


House Dinaari: Ye old english


Submit to AED Kraval Novir

Battle Team Dark Fire Brigade: Dark Jedi Algebra


Submit to QUA Duga Arkarso, AED Kraval Novir, SGT Michael Arkarso

Very sithish christmas everyone and may the force be with you,

JH Michael Arkarso (Obelisk)/SGT/Dinaari of Taldryan

StA / DC-KC / (SN) / Cr-3Q / CF-BlF-RF-GF-PF / S:-2C

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