Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

Circle Daemoni Report

By Valheru Ylith Romanae


Well then,

Jesus Christ, I have been slacking for a while.

this one came out pretty late I know I know but everything went silent within

the days so there wasn’t any reminder at all, usually Tyren bugs me for a Report and every time he does I an remembered, quite nice them slaves :P

Well then, ehh… enough ranting and a HAPPY NEWYEAR to you all!

another year of being slave to lil’ MC Ylith, ahh the joy!

Anywho, business will start again now with that crazy new clan comp. Which is so secret even I have no clue about what it is. (Maybe we should all bug Welshman and PM him till he bleeds :P)

I’ll be starting a few minor comps on my own initiatives to keep you boys busy for a while. And YES you will get shineys for them, don’t worry don’t worry.

so ehh, have a nice 2 weeks and get working Daemonians!

Ylith Romanae

Courses Passed at the Academy

Welshman passed ‘Women for dummies’ course and Daemoni passed the ‘Best there is’ course

(at least one of them is true….:P)

Medals Awarded

Tyren Got: (a nice vacation I’d bet!)

Ylith Got: 26 CF’s, Crescent with Sapphire star, 1 LS, Crescent with Amethyst star, Crescent with Emerald stars. (do I ever get bored? Hah! Never!)

Dox Got: (on vacation with Frosty, how nice. Didn’t even send me a card!)

CannabiS Got: 4 CF’s, (Canna Rox!)

Ice Wolf Got: (I’d bet he was on vacation too. How was the tropics?)

Fenn Got: 7 CF’s, (c’mon argus! Get jiggy!)

Promotions! Always Nice!

Ylith (That’s me) got promoted for DJK! (Me luvvvs them lightsaber!)


Here’s the Roster as it is Today:

Obelisk Sergeant Ylith Romanae

(2nd cmnd) Obelisk Trooper Fenn Ashune

Obelisk Trooper Ice Wolf Romanae

Sith Flight Member Tyren Zin

Obelisk Trooper Dox Romanae

Obelisk Trooper CannabiS


Windos’ puzzle comp!…Too…many….numbers!


Welsh funny pic comp! Send them screenshots!


well that’s it then…I think…Yep that’s it! :D

Note From the Valheru

have fun, be safe and don’t drink too much eh!

short call! Forgive me, next time a funny story!

be proud of the title Daemon!

Valheru Ylith Romanae

DJK Ylith 'Valheru' Romanae (Obelisk)/SGT-EP/Gladius of Tarentum [GMRG: INI] [KSOE: AENV] [ACC: SKR]

GC / SC-SoP / StA / DC / Cr-1A-3S-7E-1Q / CF-BlF-RF-GF-PF-SF / ECF / LSB / DSS-QK-QL-QW / SI / S:-5C

{SA: U:TL - U:TW - G:ATW - U:TE - G:LS - G:CM - G:LA - G:LP - G:IRC - G:IRC2 - G:ICQ - G:MSN - G:Photo - G:AIC - G:MED - K:CORE - O:CORE}

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