Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Greetings Lords and Ladies of Hex,

It is my pleasure to congratulate you all! Now I presume you are wondering why I would say such a thing. Well it’s simple. You see I am congratulating you for surviving another year in the Dark Jedi brotherhood with out meeting a pointy-painful end. For that you deserve my congratulations. Let’s hope this year will pass with equal safety, but don’t count on it! (Tiberius takes out his pointy pencil and starts sharpening). The point (no pun intended) of this month is to bring activity and participation back up, and that is the noble goal I have entrusted upon myself. My new year’s resolution is to make sure I intensify my activity creation portfolio, and earn the nick name unrelenting task master. You can interpret my words in any way you desire.

But note this, that this year will be different from the last. I expect results and, by Jove, I will have it. Okay that’s enough of me rambling; now for some real news. Well there is not much to say, it’s been quite uneventful for Ektrosis on a whole. The Dark Jedi brotherhood news page is full of recommendations and awards for non-Ektrosian and that boils my blood (although each of them deserves everything they have thus received and entitled to much more in my personal opinion). Why aren’t we on the front page I as you; well I will tell you why, its because we have gotten used to the fact that we are number one in the brotherhood and now are growing lethargic. So from this moment I expect a complete overhaul of personal; I want 150% increase in activity from each of you (and no jokes about, 150% of 0 is still 0). For if you do </me shakes fist at computer screen-

This is the year Ektrosis will shine brighter that it has ever done before; and I need your help to accomplish this honourable goal. So get of your entitled behinds and get to work; we have an empire to maintain and we can’t have sloth’s not pulling their own weight around. And if you have noticed some of the older veteran members do have a lot of weight around the waist to pull around; so you new fry’s need to keep up : P

Honorable Members of the Respected Phyle of Hex:-

Krath Tyro Shups - Dark Jedi Master

Krath Tyro Dark Sabre Taldrya – Epis

Krath Tyro Seraine "Erinyes" Ténama – Pontifex

Krath Tyro NexusMage – Archpriest

Krath Tyro Werdna Elbee – Dark Jedi Knight

Krath Tyro Vodo Biask – Guardian

Krath Tyro Tegan Void – Novice

Krath Tyro Lazarus Atu - Novice

And your beloved Leader: -

Krath Tetrarch Tiberius Serpentium - Dark Jedi Knight

If you have any question as to my requirements do feel free to contact me privately. I am always in search of good council and new ideas. So do contact me if you have anything on your minds.

Coming soon: - Projects

I am in the process of designing a few competitions, be sure to expect them at the end of next week. They are simple and are awarding simple medals. Just another way to fill you dossier with those nice shines that everyone is always after.

Volunteer Needed:-

I need volunteers to help me complete a History for Hex, I have already compiled a large portion but want to get the phyle, and indeed the house, involved in its construction. If you are capable of assisting please send an email to me privately and we will set something up. I also need volunteers to help design a symbol and custom artifact relating to Hex primarily.

Well that’s it for this report. Until next time, same Hex channel, same Hex time.

Your Humble Servant

Tiberius Serpentium

Eternal Monument to Palpatine

Servant of the Divine Emperor

Tetrarch of Hex

Ektrosis of Taldryan

First Clan of the Krath

First Clan of the Obelisk

First Clan of the Great Jedi War

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