Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Greetings from your (not so) friendly neighbourhood Aedile ļ,

First thing, you can expect me to publish reports about every week and a half, or if something major is happening (like the Sith War). The more you all know about what¡¦s going on the stronger our House is¡K.because knowledge is power :P


The ICTE Sunday Tournament Qualifiers have been released the following House members are included on that list:





Congratulations lads

Kir is looking for artists to help him with a project and is desperate for help. Any of you with graphics skills should shoot him an email if you¡¦d like to give him a hand. He¡¦s a good man to work with and looks great for your activity ƒº.

A New Combat Master Report has been issued.


Anshar is running a few Clan Comps, this is really good chance for you newer members to get into some good competition and get your names out there. For you older members points at the Daemoni it¡¦s still a good shot at winning some Crescents.

The links will be provided down at the bottom of the page for your convinence.

Welshman is on a quick LOA and will be back before the weekends ļ


First, welcome to Ambu, who recently joined up with us, always nice to meet new people.

Secondly, I want to throw some things to everyone who is below DJK in rank. The House has a trove of knowledge, advice, and experience in the person of Master Bloodfyre, who has made it very clear that he is more than willing to help you all out. I for one plan on using his wisdom from time to time. Also, I can¡¦t stress too much the importance of the Master/Apprentice program in getting to the rank of DJK (which is a very important promotion). If you don¡¦t have a Master, or if you want an Apprentice, email Welshman and let him know¡Kmake him work for his money :P

Thanks to our new RM Dox for providing the following information.


Auctorita was promoted to Novice

Ambu was promoted to Novice

Congratulations to you both ļ


PRT Malekith Sythe'rae earned a Dark Cross

GRD Levathan Bruth'Kothae earned a Dark Cross

DJK Ylith 'Valheru' Romanae earned a Steel Cross and 2 Clusters of fire

JH Fenn 'Argus' Ashune earned a Star of Antei

OT Dranik earned a Dark Cross

DJM Sith Bloodfyre-Tarentae earned a Dark Kross

OT Frosty Romanae earned 6 Clusters of Fire

GRD CannabiS earned one Cluster of Fire

Shadow Academy:

Auctorita passed the ACC Initiates Course

Auctorita passed Dark Jedi Meditation


Yridian Revolt (gaming 1):

[Daemoni] Funny Story Comp:

KOTN wreak:

Telona¡¦s Comp ¡§Forced Alliance¡¨ is now running until 31 Jan.

ENDING: What would a report be without a little quote? So here you go:

¡§An army of asses led by a lion is better than an army of lions led by an ass¡¨ G. Washington.

Stay safe, and always have fun.

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