Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Hello faithful vitctims and the newbies.

Ok so we'd like to say hello to two new members. Alex d'Tana and J'Rai Sadow. So HI!

In the life of your TET this week:

Well not much has been happening this week other than I finally have my computer back but because of the stupid restrictions on my computer because it's a school given computer I am unable to get on IRC because they restrict my Net Shell controls and so the winsock restricts my access. In short I can't get on IRC. So I'm only contactable by E-Mail and AIM or Yahoo for right now. When the problem gets solved I'll let you know.

Ok with that done I have some news to report and that is that your wonderful TET may soon not be your wonderful TET. Why you ask? Well somone has decided that TET's are going to be picked in a new way and that way is by compeating. So if you ever wanted to be TET just look here:

Yup so if you wanna lead take your best shot.

Ok so here's the roster and what not. See you next week folks. C'BO out

Tetrarch Callus Bo'Amar

Tyro Solomon Kent

Tyro Alexandria Von Drato

Tyro Malak

Tyro Syrus Korodin

Tyro Raven

Tyro Alex d'Tana

Tyro J'Rai Sadow

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