Aedile Report


Aedile Report

**Aedile Report

House Satal Keto

GRD Kromtal Stormfyld

February 20, 2006**

First of all, let me apologize for the lack of activity from me the last 10 days or so, my son came down with a respiratory infection and I've had my hands full keeping him alive. Anyone who's had a baby knows that when an infant gets sick it pretty much grinds your world to a halt until the affliction is taken care of. Hopefully there won't be another period where I just vanish without notice, it's not fair to the House to go for so long without a Summit member being present and accounted for.

I'm a little out of it right now, as far as current happenings in the DB, so this report is going to be pretty much just an accumulation of statistics that I've pulled out of my email covering the last two weeks of activity. Next week's report should be more along the lines of what's expected from an Aedile report.

Now, without any further ado, here's the activity and statistics for House Satal Keto for the past two weeks.



DJK Kalika > Rogue


APP Zelnaar Vyksik

APP Diablo

APP Dhalion

APP Kal Vorrac


APP Kal Vorrac > NOV

ACO David Locke > PRT

APP Warhammer > NOV + ACO

APP Sakh nhem > NOV


OP Warhunter > LS x2, CF

OT Jaysun > CR-1S, SI

PRT David Locke > CR-1E

OP Silent > CF x3

PRT Talon > SI, DC

PRT Bran Redmow > DC

DJK Jaysen > CF

SBL Vessicant > SC

DJK Radek Iceclaw > StA

Shadow Academy

APP Kal Vorrac > G:AIC

NOV Sakh nhem > G:AIC, S:CORE

ACO Warhammer > G:AIC, S:CORE

ACO Crelos Velka > G:TS

ACO Narbis Kentrol > G:TS, S:ESET

ACO Vexer > G:TS

OP Warhunter > G:HTML2, G:TS

OT Jaysun > G:AL, G:AIM, G:LS, G:TS

DKL Radek Iceclaw > G:TS

PRT Tolter > K:POET, G:TS

PRT Bran Redmow >G:TS

GRD Kromtal Stormfyld > G:TS

Sorry my report this time around is so mediocre, I'll get it right next time. :)

GRD Kromtal Stormfyld (Sith)/M:HM-AED-EP/Satal Keto of Plagueis [PA: MJ] [ACC: INI]



Sorry about your son :( , but I like it again cause Im in it :) .

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