SCL on Leave of Absense


SCL on Leave of Absense

I'll be on a leave of absense. I'll be back on the 4th of August.

JaM3z is in charge of the SCL office untill I return.

I'll be in Italy for 2 weeks. I don't think I'll find an internet cafe or whatsoever, so you guys just have to miss me :-P

Since I'm quite bored atm, I'll do some special goodbyes :-P
JaM3z: You only came back from your LoA yesterday, so I didn't had much time to talk you fully up-to-date, but in 2 weeks you can talk me up-to-date. If there's really an emergency, you can SMS me.
Tiss: byeeeeeeeeee Tissiieeeeee!!!! See you in 2 weeks. :-P
Xizor: good luck with leading the ACC. If you find any bugs, contact JaM3z...

and now I don't feel like typing more names :-P

See you all in 2 weeks!


Man, you come in Italy and you don't tell me ? Bah, drop me a line somehow if you happens to be in Rome.


now i'm in charge... ph33r :P

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