Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

This will be my last weekly report. I will let Xen take over with reports

from now on. In the time I used to write reports, I will now work on the

new Caliburnus homepage every week. Here is a link


I'll post breaking news reports when appropriate.

Firstly in this activity report will be shadow academy completion.

Conflict Mediation Passed: Dark Revan (Sith)

AOL Instant Messenger Passed: Brijha Mortashka (Sith)

AOL Instant Messenger Passed: Bryn Mawr (Sith)

That's it for Shadow Academy


Cluster of Fire (CF) X28 awarded to JH Wolvie "the jackal"


Cluster of Fire (CF) X14 awarded to DJM Arania Lawakiro

Palpatine (Krath)

Crescent with Amethyst Star (A) awarded to JH Wolvie "the jackal"


Crescent with Emerald Star (E) awarded to DJM Arania Lawakiro Palpatine


Cluster of Fire (CF) X5 awarded to GRD Hanius (Sith)

Cluster of Fire (CF) X3 awarded to OT Voldemort (Obelisk)

Crescent with Emerald Star (E) awarded to PRT Myrkal (Sith)

Crescent with Sapphire Star (S) awarded to SW Daniel Stephens (Sith)

Well done everyone


Ka-Lel (Obelisk)

Old Rank: Protector (PRT)

New Rank: Guardian (GRD)

For amazing levels of activity in various regions of the brotherhood

(ACC, SA, SWG PA, and ICTE.) Members like Ka-Lel are a credit to the

House, and I feel this promotion is fully deserved.

Impetus (Krath)

Old Rank: Jedi Hunter (JH)

New Rank: Dark Jedi Knight (DJK)

"An outstanding job of running the house and trying to get everything

reorganized after a merger of two houses. She wastes little time when

things are needing done and

get's them done very efficiently. I've consulted her master many times


have been quite impressed with everything I've heard." SW Dakari


Beating my master in ACC helped :P

It's a pleasure to run a house like this and I can't see myself leaving

before 2007 unless I vanish off the face of the planet. Your activity

makes my job seem worthwhile.

So does getting a lightsaber for it.

New members:

APP Bryn Mawr (Sith)


Thats it for my last weekly report. Keep active people and check the site for news.

May the Force serve you well

Dark Jedi Knight Impetus

Quaestor of Caliburnus

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