Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Ugh. Last week was crazy busy, I barely had time to sleep between all the stuff I had going on including 2 exams, a 10 page paper and my blue belt test for karate, to name a few. That's all on top of my normal homework, also. But I survived, and I got my blue belt (surviving that was a challenge, you try to fight for 10 min and see what happens) so yay!

ACC Stuff:

JH Baron Zarco beat PRT Sorutibi


APP Skyslayer - SA to Ektrosis


JH Menace: CFx6


APP Lokasena: Conflict Mediation, Poetry


There are a bunch of comps going on for the clan including Landmarks (graphics), Obscure Gaming Ladder (games), The Journey (writing), and Tal Trivia (email and IRC). Those are all in addition to the ongoing gaming nights on tuesday, thursday, saturday and sunday. There are plenty of things to do and you can expect to see another comp or two from Chaos and myself soon.

One note about entering comps, though. As much as we love for people to enter lots and lots of comps you need to read the comp's details before rushing off to do it. Make sure that you submit it in the right format, to the right person and you're in the group that the comp was intended to be for. If you mess something like that up then you risk having your work for the comp be for nothing because of a simple mistake that could have been avoided if you'd looked at the comp's details.

That's my rant for the week, just make sure you pay attention to things.

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