Deputy Grand Master Report


Deputy Grand Master Report

DGM Report #1: 18/04/2006

1. Eww.... my eyes...

My. Reports. Need. Graphics.

I'm looking for someone to make me a flashy report template. I'm not Jac and don't plan on writing tons each week but I would like some basic generic headers, similar to what Kaine used to have in his.

[Log in to view e-mail addresses] if you're interested. Rewards will depend on the quality of the work, expect something like a Star of Antei or Steel Cross. EDIT: already sorted, thanks to those who offered :)

2. First Week

Interesting first week in office. Lots of things to work on, lots of things to get done. Lots of messes to sort out. My thanks to everyone who has congratulated me during the course of the week, I will do my best to live up to your expectations. It's not been the easiest of first weeks but by large there haven't been any problems, so again my thanks to everyone for making my life easy.

3. Projects

Naturally there isn't all that much to report just yet, and this list is far from complete, but I'll update everyone on the basic things the DGM Office will be working on over the coming months:

  • Clan Feuds

  • DGM Website

  • Member Think Tank

  • Great Jedi War

  • DSC Force Powers

  • Codex Rewrite

  • Forum Restructuring

  • Gaming Expansions

  • Order Holocron

  • DB Wiki

No doubt I've missed a few things, but they'll all be up on the DGM website when I've finished inputting information. There will be more detail of each project on the website as well.

4. DGM Website: Splash Banner Required! needs work, no? I'm not too bothered what the image is... I just want something that screams "HOME OF A STAR WARS GEEK!" and looks nice. You can take a look at the basic site here if you want to do something in keeping with the general design.

Just keep it Star Wars. E-mail me if you're interested. Medals again will depend on the work itself but will be basically the same sort of thing as for the report template. EDIT: done, thanks to those who offered :)

5. Final Words

Well its been a good first week and I'm glad to be back on the Dark Council again. This week expect to see me disappear into a sea of discussions with the Consuls so that we can get these Clan Feuds started on schedule this weekend. Once this week is out of the way I'll hopefully start unveiling some of my bigger proposals.

And GJW coming in a little over a months time! Yay!

Dark Jedi Master Xanos Zorrixor

Deputy Grand Master of the Dark Brotherhood

PS: I'm aware this report was unnaturally short for me... I'm easing everyone in gently :P

Yeah I was about to say...this is unnaturaly short. But it doesn't matter. Glad to have you as DGM, Goat. Let's just hope these reports be more frequent now that you're on the spot. ;)

DB Wiki? Cant wait to see that :P

Yeah, a DB wiki sounds like coooool. It would probably be very helpful.

The RS have their own wiki, and it does contain some very helpful information. Also helps as a drawing board to lay out the structure and helps the coders see what needs to be done. It's a very, very helpful tool.

Keep them short. More people read them that way. Short and frequent is the best for reports. I love how all the calls for gfx were answered nearly as the report hit the page.

I'm rather excited about the DB Wiki plan. Make that the top priority! I'm sure it will be filled out in a matter of days. Are you going to restrict it so that only certain people can add to it or will it be open to the DJB membership?

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