Aedile Report


Aedile Report

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Dinaari AED Report 18/4/2006

_It's been a pretty big week for the DJB. We've celebrated Exodus Day (from the evil Emperor's Hammer!), had a new Deputy Grand Master take charge in the form of DJM Xanos Sadow and even our glorious leader GM Darth Jac Cotelin has been awarded the very rare Silver Sash!!! _

It has been a time to rejoice.

Yet, all is quiet on the Taldryan and Dinaari front. It's been a regular couple of weeks. There have been one or two promotions cough, we've had a few new faces pop up and prove to be active, a few old faces have reemerged into the light as their lives allow for more time in the DJB, and we continue to improve in all areas!!!

However, does anyone else feel it?

There is something in the air as if this is but the calm before the storm. It's not ready to hit yet but something is coming...

...something big!

_AED/KP Werdna Elbee [Log in to view e-mail addresses] _

Dinaari News

Tyfarius promoted to Protector

A big congratulations go to PRT tyfarius for promotion to his new rank. While tyfarius has had few opportunities to participate in competitions and activities he finally got a well deserved promotion for completing the promotion guidelines, taking part in what he could and for being active on all communications.

Detailed promotion request :

Excellent work, ty!

Vardar takes 4th in SIT

Congratulations to DJK Vardar Fen'Amar Ordo **for being awarded a **Crescent with Topaz Star (T) for coming 4th in the Sunday Invitational Tournament (11-9 win/loss).

Since arriving in Dinaari, Vardar has been flying our flag superbly by winning vast amounts of Cluster of Fire awards in the multiplayer competitions. Thank you for your strong showing!!!

Cock up!!!

I don't mess up often but when I do I admit to it. At the moment there are no Clan or House Competitions on at the moment. We're all working on a big competition for a few weeks time and with me being on leave I didn't foresee that we have no House activity in the meantime.

House Competitions will start in the next couple of days!!!

For now, there are fiction, poetry and graphic Monthly Topic competitions to do and all of the regular gaming nights are on. As always, ACC carries on as ever. If you need any help with anything then please email me.

Multiplayer Gaming News

First of all, the Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday gaming nights take place in #dbgaming now.

Secondly, The rules for the awarding of Cluster of Fire medals have changed slightly. You can now win more medals for participating and winning in the more obscure gaming platforms. It's still 1 CF for a win, and 1/3 of a CF for a loss ...but now they can be doubled or tripled for certain platforms: -

Triple CFs : X-wing vs TIE Fighter and X-Wing Alliance

Double CFs: Empire at War and Battlefront 1 & 2

Regular CFs: All other platforms

New Members

Please may everyone welcome ACO Aegor Raas and** NOV Lance Izan** to Dinaari. They have started so well over their first couple of weeks here that they we quickly promoted to the ranks they hold now. Good work!!!

Also, a big hello to *APP Nirath Tu'urika * who has only just passed the Test of Lore to become a fully fledged Dinaari member. I hope you enjoy it here with us!!!


ACO Dark Destroyer has left us for the Rogues. I'm sorry to see him go. He's a good kid. Sadly, he's had to leave the DJB for "parental reasons", something about not liking our Dark nature, and is quite happily enjoying himself in the Rebel Squadrons club now. He'll pop into #taldryan occasionally be nice, in a couple of years he may come back!!!


This is for two weeks worth of activity (since MY last report). If you feel anything is missing from your report or would just like to keep me better up-to-date then please email me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] . I'll see QUA/OE freshjive and Envoy DJM Pyralis finds out about it too.

*****DJM Acxodim Pyralis*

13/04/06 - Awarded Dark Side Scroll (DSS) ...editing and compilation of DV

OE freshjive taldrya

10/04/06 - Ran Taldryan Caption Competition

SBM ShadowHawk

14/04/06 - Submitted to Clan Fiction Competition "The Journey"


KP Werdna Elbee**

13/04/06 - On leave until 17th

10/04/06 - Participated in Tal Caption Comp

08/04/06 - Awarded Legion of the Scholar (LS) ...1st in #DB trivia

03/04/06 - Awarded 6 Cluster of Fire (CF) ...3/30 Gaming Night

03/04/06 - Promoted from DJK to KP

01/04/06 - Awarded Legion of the Scholar (LS) ...Joint 1st in #db trivia

DJK Vardar Fen'Amar Ordo

18/04/06 - Awarded Crescent with Topaz Star (T) ...4th place in SIT (11-9)

18/04/06 - Awarded 14 Cluster of Fire (CF) ...4/16 SIT

15/04/06 - Awarded 17 Cluster of Fire (CF) ...4/13 Gaming Night

10/04/06 - Participated in Tal Caption Comp

03/04/06 - Awarded 5 Cluster of Fire (CF) ...4/4 Gaming Night

JH Apollyon "Odium" Dinaarius

10/04/06 - Participated in Tal Caption Comp

03/04/06 - Awarded 12 Cluster of Fire (CF) ...Seven Day War 4-0!!! woo!

PRT Taigikori

10/04/06 - Participated in Tal Caption Comp

08/04/06 - Awarded Scroll of Indoctrination (SI) - recruiting and guiding Bendak (6113)

05/04/06 - Passed Sith Flight Studies II Course

05/04/06 - Passed AOL Instant Messenger Course

05/04/06 - Passed Sith Flight Studies I Course

04/04/06 - Completed Advancement Survey

04/04/06 - Passed Lightsaber Basics Course

04/04/06 - Passed Krath Core Course

04/04/06 - Passed Training Saber Course

PRT tyfarius

12/04/06 - Promoted from ACO to PRT ...woo!

10/04/06 - Participated in Taldryan Caption Competition

06/04/06 - Awarded Legion of the Scholar (LS) Tal Trivia

ACO Dark-Destroyer

13/04/06 - Left Dinaari for Rogues


ACO Nadaz**

15/04/06 - Awarded 6 Cluster of Fire (CF) ...4/13 Gaming Night

03/04/06 - Awarded 5 Cluster of Fire (CF) ...3/30 Gaming Night

ACO Revenge

17/04/06 - ACC game ends ...vs. SWL Vessicant ...time out

ACO Aegor Raas

12/04/06 - Promoted from NOV to ACO

12/04/06 - Participated in Tal Caption Comp

03/04/06 - Passed IRC Basics Course

03/04/06 - Promoted from APP to NOV


NOV Lance Izan**

12/04/06 - Promoted from APP to NOV

12/04/06 - Passed Sith Core Course

02/04/06 - Passed Lightsaber Basics Course


Uh oh, there seems to be no Clan or House competitions on at the moment. freshjive is working on that "something big" and I've been on leave. I'll take care of that for tomorrow!!! In the meantime there are plenty of DJB-wide competitions on including the regular gaming nights, ACC and three new Monthly Topics for April.

Whatever you enter, remember to cc: [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and [Log in to view e-mail addresses] the entry so I know you took part. If it is something you can't cc: then please email me all about it.

You can keep up-to-date on the current competitions at

DJB Competitions

Monthly Topic

This month, the Monthly Topics (abbreviated as MTs) are hosted by the Herald.

The Ties that Bind - (Prose)

Throughout everyone's lives, things can happen that call you back to your old life, before the brotherhood. I want you to explore what that might have been for your character, and what happened that brought you back to Antei.

Requirements: 2 pages, TNR 12 pt (7000 characters on average)

Judged on: Character development, readability

Awards: Second Level Crescents

Silence - (Poetry)

When the world goes quiet, there's nothing left besides you and your demons. What haunts you?

Requirements: 10 lines minimum.

Judged on: Emotive content, readability, language usage.

Awards: Second Level Crescents

Artifact Hunt - (Graphic)

Design a wicked-looking Artifact, be it an amulet, ring, bracer. If you have a power in mind for it, try to make that reflect in the item, but don't tell me what it is in your submission.

Requirements: 400 x 400 minimum Jpeg or gif, black background.

Judged on: Sheer wickedness

Awards: Second Level Crescents

Send all submissions to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] by 11:59 pm EST, the 8th of May, 2006.
cc: [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Good luck!

Interclub Training Event (ICTE) : Multiplayer ALL Platforms

The times have changed! ICTE is now on every Saturday in #outerrim between 7am and midnight (EST). That's noon til 5am for those of you on GMT.

ALL Star Wars platforms are used. Please read the website before you first compete...there is a signup bot that must be used to arrange matches and the site will explain how to use it.

Tuesday and Thursday Multiplayer Gaming : All Platforms

If you go to #gmrg on a Tuesday (1am til 11.59pm EST ...all day) you'll find a solo multiplayer competition for 1v1s and in #gmrg on a Thursday (all day again) for team-based multiplayer (CTF, 2v2, etc).

There is no signup bot in #gmrg ...just get chatting to arrange a match yourself.

Just a note that there is a similar day of multiplayer on a Sunday once every 2 weeks for people who have played a match in any of the above multiplayer competitions (including ICTE) during the 2 weeks prior. It is in #gmrg too and you'll have to check the news page to see when it is on and if you are eligible.

Antei Combat Centre

Always on offer is the ACC where you can go kick some ass in a friendly 1v1 run-on. There are quite a few Shadow Academy courses about ACC that you'll have to do first, so you can set up your character sheet, learn the rules and do a training match before you get into the complicated world of ACC proper.

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KP Werdna Elbee

KP Werdna Elbee (Krath)/AED-DV/Dinaari of Taldryan

SC-SoA / StA / DC-KC / (SN) / (BNB) / Cr-4S-1E-3T / CF-BlF-RF / LSAu

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