Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report


Clan Feud!

And again a week with many events. In case you haven't realized, we have a Clan Feud. What does this mean? We fight other clans and get points. There will be different prizes for each place after the 3 weeks of this small war.

For further details look at this: http://nagasadow.org/feud/

Basically this means for you:

Are there any people out there who play /possesses one of the following games?

  • Jedi Academy (JA)

  • Jedi Outcast (JO)

  • Xwing Alliance (XWA)

  • Xwing vs Tie Fighter (XvT)

  • Rebel Commandos (RC)

  • Battle Front 2 (BF2)

  • Staw Wars Galactic Battlegrounds (SWGB)

  • Empire at War (EAW)

No matter if you win or loose.. you can help us to get a cool ship to our fleet. So send in an email to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] if you wish to part and still have questions how to join in.

So all you gamers and writers! Report in! The most easiest way is to come on IRC: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/irc_guide.asp Here is a little guide for you. Join the channel #naga_sadow and simply ask.

For the time of the feud, our Competition for choosing the new Battle Team Leaders of House Ludo Kressh [ http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/viewreport.asp?ID=8593] suspended. The current comeptitions still run, but more competitions will come up after the feud.


Currently the most important one is the feud!

And a few others:









And now to the Shadow Academy, Promotion, Medal section:

If I forgot someone here...sorry, email me and I will correct it!

Congratulations to everyone and keep up working! I see that many Apprentices, Novice, Acolytes, Protectors and more are currently very inactive. Please people, get active! Or you can't get any promotion or medals!


Apprentice raikujuitsu 03/20/2006

Apprentice darth xile 04/03/2006

Apprentice ed-art-gon 04/12/2006

Novice lanky123456789 03/19/2006

Novice Saul Rostek 03/18/2006

Novice Qu-Le Brog 03/27/2006

Novice chronic 03/21/2006

Novice BoyWonder 03/27/2006

Novice plasibo 03/31/2006

Novice Nickalis 03/31/2006

Novice Nickoli 04/07/2006

Acolyte Exar Valor 04/15/2006

Acolyte Xenos 04/15/2006

Acolyte Phoenix al'Thor 04/08/2006

Acolyte Khell 04/20/2006

Protector Calique Nor Lexu 03/18/2006

Guardian Kairus 04/14/2006 [Dossier restored]

Jedi Hunter Xayun Erinos 04/03/2006

Archpriest Xia Long 03/21/2006

Shadow Academy Courses:

Novice lanky123456789 03/19/2006 - SA MSN Messenger

Novice Qu-Le Brog 03/25/2006 - SA Sith Core

Novice chronic 04/07/2006 - SA AIM

Acolyte Exar Valor

            04/14/2006 - SA IRC Basics  

            04/15/2006 - SA Sith Core 75  

            04/17/2006 - SA: Acc Training saber  

            04/20/2006 - MSN Messenger 72  

Acolyte Xenos

            04/05/2006 - SA Sith Core  

Acolyte Phoenix al'Thor

            04/08/2006 - SA Sith Core  

            04/08/2006 - SA IRC Basics  

            04/11/2006 - SA: Alchemy Basics 97  

Acolyte Khell

            04/19/2006 - SA ACC Initiates Course  

            04/19/2006 - Active on IRC  

            04/20/2006 - SA: IRC Basics 100  

            04/20/2006 - SA Obelisk Core 92  

Protector Calique Nor Lexu

            03/15/2006 - SA Photoshop  

            03/19/2006 - SA MSN Messenger  

            03/25/2006 - SA Sith Flight Studies I  

Guardian Ashia Kagan 04/06/2006 - SA Sith Flight Studies II

Guardian Ruach

            03/24/2006 - StA  

            04/12/2006 - SA: Alchemy Basics: 100  

Guardian Kairus

            04/14/2006 - AOL Instant Messenger Passed: Score 83  

            04/16/2006 - SA Sith Alchemy 91  

            04/17/2006 - SA ICQ studies: 100  

            04/21/2006 - Training Saber Course  

            04/21/2006 - SA: Lightsaber Basics: 94  

            04/22/2006 - Sa: Conflict Mediation 100  

            04/23/2006 - Test of Endurance  

            04/25/2006 - SA: Test of Wisdom  

Jedi Hunter Xayun Erinos 03/28/2006 - SA Test of Wisdom

Battlemaster Godo Nurok 04/15/2006 - SA: Advanced HTML 93


Acolyte AMON NIHILUS JUDAS 03/21/2006 - DC

Protector Calique Nor Lexu

            03/21/2006 - DC  

            04/03/2006 - CS :2nd Name a squad  

Guardian Ashia Kagan

            03/15/2006 - CE Pimp my Speeder 2nd.  

            04/22/2006 - 5 CF - 4-18 Gaming Night  

            04/22/2006 - 2 CF - 4-20-06 Gaming Night  

            04/23/2006 - 3 CF - ICTE  

Guardian Ruach 03/24/2006 - StA

Guardian Kairus 04/23/2006 - 4 CF - ICTE

Jedi Hunter Qiw Nuron 03/21/2006 - CE - Battle of Jagred

Jedi Hunter Eldrad Sin

            03/25/2006 - 1 CF  

            04/06/2006 - 1 CF  

            04/14/2006 - 1 CF: 4-11-06 Gaming Night  

            04/14/2006 - 1 CF: Thursday Gaming Night 4-13-2006  

            04/18/2006 - 7 CF - 4-16 SIT  

            04/20/2006 - CE 1st place "Run-on Madness"  

            04/22/2006 - 1 CF - 4-18 Gaming Night  

Jedi Hunter Acara Rayden Mandalore 03/18/2006 - 1 CF

Jedi Hunter Xayun Erinos

             03/15/2006 - 12 CF  

            03/18/2006 - 11 CF  

            03/21/2006 - 8 CF  

            03/23/2006 - 4 CF  

            03/24/2006 - StA  

            03/25/2006 - 3 CF  

            03/30/2006 - 1 CF  

            04/03/2006 - 11 CF  

            04/04/2006 - 2 CF  

            04/06/2006 - 9 CF  

            04/08/2006 - 3 CF  

            04/14/2006 - 12 CF: 4-11-06 Gaming Night  

            04/14/2006 - 2 ECF Khobasaurus  

            04/15/2006 - 12 CF: 4-11-06 Gaming Night  

            04/18/2006 - CE 3rd Sunday Invitational Tournament  

            04/18/2006 - 13 CF - 4-16 SIT  

            04/20/2006 - CQ 3rd place "Run-on Madness"  

            04/21/2006 - 10 CF - 4-18 Gaming Night  

            04/22/2006 - 13 CF - ICTE + 4-20-06 Gaming Night  

            04/25/2006 - 2 CF - Tal Invitational  

Dark Jedi Knight Morgan Glyndwr Arkarso

            03/15/2006 - 6 CF  

            03/18/2006 - 7 CF  

            03/30/2006 - StA  

            04/15/2006 - 12 CF: Thursday Gaming Night 4-13-2006  

            04/18/2006 - 1 CF - 4-16 SIT  

            04/22/2006 - 3 CF - 4-20-06 Gaming Night + ICTE  

Dark Jedi Knight Dark Hunter

            03/21/2006 - 1 CF  

            03/23/2006 - 1 CF  

Dark Jedi Knight Revenant "Caligula" Mandalore

            03/28/2006 - StA  

            04/13/2006 - 1 DSS for DV submission  

            04/21/2006 - 2 SI (Eldrad + Phoenix)  

Dark Jedi Knight Romulus "Acerbus" Mandalore 04/22/2006 - LS: second round of Saturday Trivia

Dark Jedi Knight Malisane De Ath

            03/21/2006 - CS - Battle of Jagred  

            04/16/2006 - SC  

Dark Jedi Knight Siyavash Kaida

            04/11/2006 - 2 Cluster of Fire - ACCLive! February Mayhem  

            04/16/2006 - SC  

Templar Dessan

            03/18/2006 - 1 CF  

            03/30/2006 - 1 CF  

            03/31/2006 - 1 CF  

            04/06/2006 - 2 CF  

Battlemaster Mononoke "Macron" Keibatsu-Goura

            03/28/2006 - CF 2nd. Place Sadow Dueling  

            04/13/2006 - 2 DSS for DV submission  

            04/13/2006 - 1 SoL  

            04/20/2006 - CT 2nd place "Run-on Madness"  

            04/21/2006 - 1 CS - Gethsmane Incident: 2nd Place (Torture Story)  

Archpriest Shin'ichi Endymiron Keibatsu

            03/27/2006 - LS for creation of trivia  

            04/03/2006 - 12 CF  

            04/13/2006 - 2 DSS for DV submission  

            04/13/2006 - CE: 3rd happy birthday to Jac, happy birthday to Jac  

            04/14/2006 - 3 CF: 4-11-06 Gaming Night  

            04/15/2006 - 4 CF: Thursday Gaming Night 4-13-2006  

            04/22/2006 - 11 CF - 4-20-06 Gaming Night  

            04/22/2006 - LS: creation of 20 question trivia  

Archpriest Xia Long

            03/15/2006 - CS 1st Pimp my Speeder  

            03/21/2006 - CT - Battle of Jagred  

Congratulations, you made it to the end of the list. I am impressed =)

And now for the last thing: I got the title Daughter of Sadow. Wow!

I was so speechless. Thank you all for your great support. I feel greatly honored with this title bestowed upon. A bow in respect to everyone. Drinks are on me and big party!!

Sildrin Rys-Hastur ..err.. Sildrin Sadow!


KAP Xia Long (Krath)/M:MAA-QUA/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow [ACC: INI]

SC-SoA / StA-LS / DC-KC / Cr-3A-4S-1T / LSB

{SA: U:TL - G:L - G:LF - G:HTML1 - G:AIC - G:SB - G:AL}

Krath Archpriestess Sildrin Sadow, Daughter of Sadow

Quaestor of House Ludo Kressh of Clan Naga Sadow

Xia Long, Apprentice of Shan Long

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