Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

OOOOOOK yea I know it's been quite awhile since my last report so I

thought I'd annoy everyone :P

Just for starters if you were wondering yes I have a new e-mail addy

it's [Log in to view e-mail addresses] so remember it.

Ummm ok Kat's started up the "Take Callus' Job Comp" again :P

basically if you're more active than me ta-da you get control of the

Battle Team. So who want's it? Raven? Karrak? Tsingtao? Syrus? anyone?

I don't thik you guys have what it takes to take my job. So....

Continuing on I'm sure you all know about the feud going on so I'll

say this.... do somthing.

Um.... other than that cant really think about any other news that's

been going on.

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