Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

The Tetrarach Report was being transmitted this time by Holonet indicating that, for now at least, hostilities such as the recent Taldryan-Arcona feud were suspended. The familiar face of Zarco, surrounded by books, stacked, shelved and lying open, in a dark room, sprang to life on the holo-projector.

"Greetings, team members. We are awaiting the results of the Taldryan-Arcona conflict. I will congratulate those that participated, castigate those who stood idly by and attempt to motivate all for the upcoming Great Jedi War."

"Dark Jedi Knight Serpentium has received four Clusters of Fire for his victories in the ACC competition theatre of the feud. He has also received a Crescent with Sapphire Star for efforts made in the Tal Landmarks Competition. To my knowledge, he participated more than any other phyle member in the feud. He, like the four elements of the apocalypse mentioned in our team motto that he authored, is a cornerstone of our team and, I dare say, our clan and house."

"Protector Anik Koran, also active in the feud, has several battles pending in the ACC Combat Center and has passed the Conflict Mediation course in the Shadow Academy. His record in the Antei Combat Center is testament to his activity and prowess."

"Protector Ricco has passed yet two more Shadow Academy courses, this time Krath Poetry and ICQ Studies. His level of dedication to learning our ways is refreshing. He will undoubtedly be an asset to us in the coming struggle."

"If there are those in our phyle that have not been given their due in my reports please advise. I am pleased to announce your accomplishments."

"As for all others, I will refer you to PRT Ricco's quote on his dossier. That is, 'Apathy is death.' Passion is indeed the way of the Sith. Have you none?"

Pursuant to a directive from the chain of command, I will offer no competition for the Great Jedi War is almost upon us. Hone your skills. Prepare yourselves. Soon burning flesh and twisted metal will occupy your senses. Always remember the good things in life - to crush your enemies, to see them driven before you and to hear the lamentations of their dependents."

"Zarco out."

The image of Zarco disappeared as suddenly as it had arrived

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