Aedile Report


Aedile Report


Impetus has been a LoA so I get to do this lovely little report. I’ll keep it short.


Silver Nova awarded to Horus Blackheart

Bronze Nova awarded to Horus Blackheart

Star of Antei awarded to Tiberius Wolf Mandalore

Cluster of Fire (x3) awarded to Xan Be’lakor Azytzeen

Cluster of Fire awarded to Arania Lawakiro Palpatine

Cluster of Fire awarded to Voldemort


Cethgus was promoted to Jedi Hunter. Congrats!


SW Thran “Heris” Occasus

APP Kyane Fased III

APP exar’kun

APP Butt Pluggius

That’s all I’ve got. Let me know if I missed anything.

Xen’Culo Apophis Entar

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