Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Digs around irritably in the pile of papers that have created quite the mountain upon his desk. Finally he finds what he is looking for and turns on the computer to be able to get a report in after long last... reminds himself to better keep up with these things. The Quaestor sits back and stares at the blank screen, never having been one good at completing such tasks, but procedure was procedure, he thought to himself.

June 19th


We are now well into the Great Jedi War, and our runon for one seems to be doing quite well. We have some talented writers in our midsts, ones that will do us proud in such events. I am sure our gamers will likewise do exceptional work in representing both, our House, and our Clan as a whole. Do not let up, show the entire DB who is to be feared amongst the other clans of the Brotherhood.

As for other matters. This is where we stand as a House;

Our members sit at a total of 67, with 1% being in the level of Leader, 12% are Equites, with a far to numerous 87% remaining Journeymen. Here is the breakdown: 12% of our members are rank Priest/Templar to Pontifex, while 69% sit from ranks Apprentice to Acolyte, 18% are from Protector to Dark Jedi Knight. I would like out attentions to sit on lowering the percentage of Apprentice to Acolyte, we must make an effort to bring that number down so we can see the 18% rise. That 18% should likewise see us increase our percentage of membership in the area of Equites, to bump up the 12%. Attached is a notepad document with further numbers for anyone's review. I will be keeping these updated with every report from now on.

This evening, I have went through all the Battle Team rosters and rearranged members. Please note, there are many members out of Phyles due to the incredible amount of members we are presently housing. With the latest AWOL check undeway, I hope to see this number brought down (I know that sounds bad), then I will again rearrange things to better organize our people. This will hopefully allow us to function a little more effectively as a whole.

Battle Team Leaders is as follows:

Sith Commander: Jedi Hunter Rasilvenaira Stormraven of Draco Conspicari, she is charged with running our Sith training unit. She can be contacted via email at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Obelisk Sergeant: Dark Jedi Knight Korbin of Crimson Ember, he is charged with running our Obelisk training unit. He can be contacted via email at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Krath Tetrarch: Dark Jedi Knight Radek of Ebon Cloak, he is charged with running our Krath training unit. He can be contacted via email at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Krath Tetrarch: Dark Jedi Knight Uzbad Zol Tamalar of Dragon Guard, he is chaged with running our miscellaneous unit, a mix of everything until we get organized. He can be contacted via email at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Krath Tetrarch: Archpriest al'Lan Mandragoran of Drynwyn's Flame, he is charged with running our Elite Krath Unit. He can be reached via email at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

I want to see more activity, and active reporting by these individuals running our Battle Teams. Keep me informed, as well as our Rollmaster and Aedile. The rollmaster, RevengeX can be reached at [Log in to view e-mail addresses], contact him with any questions you feel may need answering. You cna also email myself with such questions.

Our House Website, created by our own Rasilvenaira: http://acclivisdraco.rasilvenaira.org/

Our forum space: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/forum/index.php?showforum=36

That is all for now,

Dark Regards...

Krath Archpriest Mune Metsukai Isradia

Quaestor of House Acclivis Draco of Clan Scholae Palatinae

Ecclectic Pedagog of the Shadow Academy

Marquis of Yllas Yasroth of Family Isradia

Finishes his report and goes back to trying to organize his mess of papers...

67 Members%%Total

1 Leaders 1%

1 Dark Side Adept 100%1%

8 Equites 12%

2 Pontifex 25%3%

4 Archpriest 50%6%

2 Priest/Templar 25%3%

58 Journeymen 87%

3 Dark Jedi Knight 5%3%

1 Jedi Hunter 2%1%

3 Guardian 5%3%

5 Protector 8%7%

9 Acolyte 16%13%

8 Novice 14%12%

29 Apprentice 50%43%

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