Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

~From the Desk of Krath Priest Scorpius, Quaestor of House Exar Kun~

Report #5

Chaos has consumed the Brotherhood as the Great Jedi War engulfs all aspects of our lives. Plots have been foiled, murders have taken place, and all-out war is about to begin. By orders of Dark Jedi Master Sarin, Consul of Clan Plagueis, House Exar Kun shall regroup as Operational Group B and go forth on a mission that will give our clan the upperhand in this war. I order all members of House Exar Kun to return to Diadem Fortress immediately and await further orders.

Your activity lately has been amazing. I would post everything that happened since I left for Italy, but that would be far too much to add into my report. Thus, I'll only add what has happened since I have returned-- which is, itself, a lot.

~Shadow Academy~

PRT Silas: Test of Wisdom, Test of Endurance, Sith Alchemy, Safe Computing, ICQ Studies, MSN Messenger, Obelisk Core, HTML Basics, Training Saber Course, Advancement Survey, IRC Basics, Dark Jedi Meditation, Conflict Mediation, Krath Grammar Studies

GRD Jagan Roda: Leadership Fundamentals (100!), Obelisk Core (100!)

ACO Hawili: Obelisk Core, IRC Basics (100!), Sith Core, MSN Messenger, ACC Initiates Course, Leadership Fundamentals (100!),

PRT Jesan Sinderon: AOL Instant Messenger (100!)

PRT Kyra Starfire: Lightsaber Basics, Leadership Studies, Sith Alchemy (100!), Conflict Mediation (100!), MSN Messenger, Sith Core (100!)

JH Jaysen Erdon: Leadership Applications, Sith Alchemy, Dark Jedi Meditation, Leadership Studies (100!), Test of Endurance

NOV Jaden Kyrath: Obelisk Core, ACC Initiates Course

WOW. Great job all you Journeymen-- the amount of courses you are flying through is outstanding, as well as the many scores of 100 sneaking up there.


SBM Aabsdu Dupar al'Tor: Star of Antei

PRT Silas: Dark Cross

GRD Jagan Roda: Star of Antei



APP David Briston (Krath) to Novice

APP Silas (Sith) to Novice

NOV Silas (Sith) to Acolyte

APP Hawili (Obelisk) to Novice

APP Jaden Kyrath (Sith) to Novice



APP Jaden Kyrath (Sith)

DJK Drax Remlinger (Sith)-- From Rogue

JH Kreth Drey (Sith)-- From Rogue

APP Manzin

War has engulfed the Brotherhood, and House Exar Kun prepares to serve Clan Plagueis in this Great Jedi War....

Things in the House are going great!! The Exalted Lords of Kun and Ash Citadel Guard articles have both been finished and will be uploaded to the House Website. We are having successful participation in the GJW (but more wouldn't hurt ;) ) and our Journeymen are advancing through the ranks at an astounding pace. Keep it up!

The Exalted Lords of Kun

An Exalted Lord of Kun is someone who serves the House above and beyond the call of duty. Someone is active, helpful, and loyal to House and Clan. Thus, I have come to the conclusion that the appointment of the First Exalted Lord of Kun is a no-brainer.

I, Krath Priest Scorpius, as Quaestor of House Exar Kun, hereby name Sith Battlemaster Aabsdu Dupar al'Tor, Aedile of House Exar Kun, as the first Exalted Lord of Kun, and hitherto bestow upon him all the titles, powers, and responsibilities associated with this venerable position. Aedile Aabsdu has been a bastion of power and a role-model in this time of war, has served his House and Clan faithfully, and is more deserving of this honor than all others.

All hail SBM Aabsdu, Exalted Lord of Kun!

I want everyone to focus on the Great Jedi War, which has tons of competitions running. Look at the GJW website and submit. Even if you don't think you're going to do well, at least try. Effort and participation are as big a deal in this War as is placing.

So, I had a fantastic time in Italy. It was an amazing place.

I started my tour in Rome, where I spent the first few days exploring the ancient city and Vatican City. Then I hopped on a train down to Naples; I didn't quite enjoy Naples as much... It's a much dirtier and seedier city. Heh. While in Naples and explored nearby Pompeii--truly amazing, as well.

From the Neopolitan area I trekked my way up to Florence, by far my most favorite location of the trip. I toured the palaces of the Medici, sat in Niccolo Machiavelli's former office, glanced at Michelangelo's David, and climbed to the top of their over-sized dome at their big church. I liked Florence a lot, though-- and I'm happy that I get to go back to Florence as the honors program at my school holds a seminar there every summer! Haha.

From Florence I returned to Rome, where I did some more exploring. Then I came back to the U.S.

The only thing that really bothered me about the trip was the money exchanges. >.< $1.39 for one Euro, on average. It hurt. But, oh well!

Anyways, if any of you get a chance to go to Italy, take it!


And don't forget our battle teams-- we have room for more people! If you want a cool and fun way to stay active, earn medals, and make new friends, contact the summit ASAP and we'll hook you up with a Battle Team!

For Exar Kun, and for Plagueis!!!

In Darkness,

~KP Scorpius~

Second Prodigy of Plagueis

Quaestor of House Exar Kun

Eclectic Pedagog, General Studies: Leadership Applications

Second Knight of Plagueis

First Krath Knight of Plagueis

Senior Staff Writer of the Plaguies Chronicle

Neophyte of the Antei Combat Centre

Novice Officer of the Player's Association

His Lordship, the Count of Risban

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