Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report


Hello again, im suprised i made BTL this long now. This weeks report is a day late cause my family and I have been going through some troubles, but nothing that will keep me from sending this report out...


Niman Master promoted to Protector, thats faster than me...

Congrats to Niman.


Your beloved XO, Sakh Nhem has been sent to Rogues cause of RL, he has came back and been put in HEK for the time being, of my understandings. Julius 'Tolter' Caesar will be taking his place until further notice...


Rannik has been awarded another Dark Cross.

Well, I think that about covers it for this week,. If i forgot somethings, just catch me on mIRC or gimme an e-mail and ill fix it...

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